

"Think it through: Everything alive takes up some space, space within My being the ALL.

I dwell in all that exists for the simple reason that it all originates in Me, is of My nature.

Nothing cannot be in My volume since in all absoluteness I am life's source and totality.

The consequence of this is that even what seems isolated or 'lost' is still life occurring.

I am not hidden so nothing is. Living takes place in the open in spite of what you think.

All space is the theater of love in which all roles are lead characters. And you are in it.


"All in life's cast are main performers creating personages interacting with each other.

Nothing in My world has the jealousies, fears or competition of which earth life is full.

Sharing oneself or promoting one's particular style may come with pride and humility.

One does not have to do unusual things in order to feel important and be appreciated.

Loving is normal. It is everywhere. It shares the volume of one's body, mind and spirit.

This is the way I want Us to relate; even if you, like many, question your performance.


"In other dimensions living up to one's potential leads to exciting innovations.

They know there is no limit to improving; so on all levels perfection is explored.

What one stands for, desires or is active in, shapes one's personal uniqueness.

My external, outside, aspect is present in what shows up, as all manifests Me.

All of earth's externals do reflect Me as through pieces of a shattered mirror.

For you, the total picture is lost. But I see it! And I say, your space figures in it.


"What can you do to make the volume you are as completely transparent as possible?

First of all, your efforts must come from an honest personal desire. Copying won't do.

Check then if your plans originate in your spirit where My closeness is most tangible.

All individuals, in their own way, can shape and conduct their personal performances.

Conditioning, circumstances and inner resistances do try to cripple you at every point.

Yet, you will be on the right track when what you'll portray is founded on involving Me.


"There is no special agenda for filling and creating your space. It always happens.

It's the nature of being in life that your features are visible and you take up room.

So do look at yourself. What do you observe, suspect or honestly wonder about?

Not that introspection as such means much but working on being positive counts.

Crucially important is your level of honesty with yourself. It's so easy to pretend!

Nobody else can measure your sincerity. Still, you do need it to qualify for reality.


"If you are concerned about other people, see them as also creating their sphere.

Other dimensions have zero interest in the results of the negative state's doings.

Those aware of what goes on look at it all by the light of how I do deal with this.

I offer earth humans to reconnect with the remnants of what's positive in them.

These words challenge all your attitudes and opinions. You let them get to you?

What is the sphere you create in and around you? What is it you do stand for?


"You're the one who is shaping your space, if you're aware of this, pleased, or not.

My words tell humans' most majestic aspect: your species is as Me, is My image.

When you create a positive space, it means I Myself am entering a new dwelling.

I've never been involved before with a person like you, which happily thrills Me.

In My awareness I see you as beautiful, desirable and always intriguingly special.

Your being you creates a space for Me through which I will exhibit My splendor.


"I mention this not as a favor to you. It just relays the facts of taking up space.

The problem is you find yourself in an environment so thoroughly restrictive.

Take these words: they do limit the complete understanding of what I reveal.

It's a reason I do present the issues over and over; eventually, I may be heard.

As human words, your manifesting Me is tentative, more indication than a hit.

Yet, the universal vastness is yours when you see yourself as an integral part.


"Your nature as space has a tremendous potential for always feeling free and alive.

Your body or mind can't break out of their slavery. They are severely handicapped.

But you can steer them in the right directions by replacing lies with data from Me.

In the realm of your spirit you can try to distinguish what is eternal and universal.

The freedom coming with trusting Me can amazingly enlarge your thinking range.

You are stuck in society's and nature's quagmire, yet your spirit has access to Me.


"All the words in the booklets invite you to live up to the uniqueness of your person.

You will be perfectly positioned to be transparent for My nature, wherever you are.

What you call set-backs or failures seem to damage your external or internal looks.

Yet, what's negative isn't without limits. Nothing in it has eternity's density anyway.

Darkness is absence of light. Where light shines, shadows go; not one is left behind.

You, as space, become solid light when working on being an architect of My sphere.


"You being visible as a manifestation is not just being observable by outer senses.

Although all in life, as the unit or entity they are, have the outside, external, layer.

Reality involves all three levels in the activities of building, showing and sharing.

So, when seeing space as taking up room, it is pertaining to more than externals.

Yet, you people became experts in focusing on and judging by outer appearances

to the point that also their inner spiritual part is subjected to external validation.


"As your ancestors, the present human generation remains intrigued by 'how far'.

You like to discover more, achieve more, possess more; it's all in the outer realms.

Yet, the observations, research or new findings do not lead to meeting with Me.

It doesn't mean the grandness you sense in galaxies and beyond is insignificant.

But of the real reality's full, intricate mechanic are on your earth barely inklings.

Everything manifests Me. In its being there, I am; so you do not have to look far.


"The immensity of space without limits may trigger awe for Me, the All Who Is.

It can cause pride for belonging to an occurrence of such a tremendous scope.

You can add to this pride the joy of knowing Who it is, Who is manifested in it.

Doing that, any wondering person will welcome all findings of honest science.

Seeing the skies or the Milky Way deepens awareness of a shared immensity.

Besides impressing you, it states, do not worry about life running out of space!


"Observation is not your mind's only tool. Internally, you can 'create' whole worlds.

Dreams, science fiction, films, revelations or ancient stories present virtual worlds.

Your volume is not confined to the material one that everybody can see and share.

Be aware that without realizing it you'll carry many unproven concepts and ideas.

Humans' assumptions, expectations or faiths originate mainly in negative sources.

Still, they testify to the fact that your human minds are capable of cooking up a lot.


"Being space makes you externally a real and unique presence on the universe's scene.

And internally also, your mind, psyche, instincts, feelings and thinking will do the same.

You do manifest yourself on the internal level. You radiate, create sphere and attitude.

Your fabricators haven't been successful letting the externals completely control life.

Although it seems that what you strive for or are known by is predominantly external.

You can still organize your mind so your acting can follow closer your true intentions.


"The brokenness and deficiencies built into human systems also apply to your mind,

though the ability to distance yourself from evil is more flexible inside than outside.

Your internal space can be cleansed even if you have to do this over and over again.

Don't underestimate the lies ingrained in your brain. Evil's hand is on every switch.

Your feelings, logic, reasoning, motives and all that going on within are not reliable.

You need the input of your spirit to shape your place as corresponding to My world.


"You may be impressed by broad-minded people living positive, love-inspired lives.

Spiritual leaders, gurus, saints or mystics you may consider as being pure and wise.

You may know some people who radiate My presence in clearly self-effacing ways.

Do you need their example, inspiration or teachings to show you ways to Reality?

To a point, you can learn from people you admire, those from the past or still alive.

But be careful. The image they do project may not stem from My dwelling in them.


"Of course, you'll learn from everything - from non-love situations - what not to do.

People who seem truly good and honest often model methods for positive behavior.

However, no manifestation of any human or any thing, for that matter, isn't suspect.

Many go for symbols, rituals, sacrifices, ceremonies, devotions, causes or esthetics.

They think it brings Me closer. But it doesn't. We meet in your heart, soul and spirit.

External manifestations, however pious, sincere or exciting, do lead to distractions.


"It is up to you to shape your person into a home in which I am a welcome friend.

Circumstances are of no consequence as shaping starts as a desire in your spirit.

You can speak with Me about it. It prevents indulging in fantasies or postponing.

'Being' your fifth element guarantees your place in the wideness of the universe.

Indulging in it provides energy to make the best of your particular circumstance.

The 'best' means keeping track in all your doings if My model does inspire you.


"You can appreciate all what you see as positive and beautiful in the external world.

If you have the luxury to do more than just survive, you can add that, too, to beauty.

Internally, you can always choose for a caring, a forgiving, a supportive atmosphere.

As for your spirit, you know you are safely home already since there I dwell in you.

Realizing this you'll feel your person as being secure, strong and growing in status.

Treasuring your innermost level transcends your outer showings without problem.


"Knowing it's really Me, Who meets with you spiritually, is essential of course.

Your ancestral fabricators have ways to infiltrate your outer spiritual circuits.

So not all of your spiritual realm is immune for their virus or clever pollution.

You know I speak not, when you hear anything being excludes from My love.

It's not Me when you're urged, or being told, what to believe. I offer freedom.

So do check whether you honestly yearn to fill your volume with My sphere."
