

"Whatever you see as decay or falling apart stands for what My nature is not.

Of course, what you call deterioration and death is actually also a moving on.

As everything is within My presence, if some of it were to disappear, I would.

Space is of My nature. How could it become non-existing? Anything is in Me.

What your ancestors built is a pseudo-world that seems able to just survive.

As its volume isn't created for and filled with love, all of earth is problematic.


"My Being expands to more joy, beauty and wholeness, always and in everything.

Keep it in mind when seeing around you situations getting worse, scarier or sick.

My nature is compromised when My loving spirit is disconnected or suppressed.

I don't control or fight the corrupted laws of physics, nature or human behavior.

In spite of this, what still sprouts from My closeness' radiation is always healing.

You cannot stop the negative state's reign, yet moving forward can't be halted.


"Illness, pain, injustice, poverty or crime, nothing not-positive comes from Me.

Remember, only in the negative state's realm can any unnatural thing happen.

Anything is unnatural when it's not perfectly joyful, 'on the go' and enriching.

Do see all negative events by this light. They show what is not whole but sick.

What many call progress or civilization leads to the slavery of needing more.

It is hollow what takes up space in which I am not welcome to dwell in peace.


"It's easy to fall in the trap of looking outwards as if happiness comes from there.

More health, money, peace and joy for more people sounds noble and attainable.

I ask: from what direction you expect a just society to come, from your 'makers'?

When fabricating earth as showcase, why is not done a better job to a start with?

Do realize that what looks like positive can be a ploy to distract from finding Me.

Strong, promising growth has one direction. It branches out from Me as Center.


"Most accept as criterion for full living the ability to realize one's potential.

I am saying that all life is relative to Me. Not seeing this turns off the lights.

It did lead to humans' dire abuse of, to-them, inferior life-forms or objects.

Yet, the magnificence of space is: all parts or particles are equally included.

There is no tension, competition or failing but only a loving each moment.

You unfold as your own specific sphere; so do all. It makes for joyful living.


"You may like to ask again the logical question: how far can ever expanding go?

It can't be explained in any human term, yet can be experienced in your spirit.

When with Me, the question becomes obsolete; the endlessness of space also.

It has you lose fear of interference in your own steady, open-ended unfolding.

You'll experience yourself as one on a steady course as well as having arrived.

All questions inspired by falsity, dependency or neediness evaporate then.


"Measured by your human norms, deterioration, losing out and dying will occur.

You can't avoid it; your body does it. Also your sun and galaxies eventually do it.

Looking outward to externals gives you no hope whatsoever for this to change.

Despite this somber fact, people do bravely squeeze any drop out of earth life,

or they escape in paradise fantasies, rebel, or just not worry. It is their choice.

Yet, everybody possesses this element that guarantees a place in the universe.


"In your spirit you can experience you're unfettered. There, you're not confined.

You can be realistic about your internal and external limitations. They are there.

They happen or hurt; they seem in control and regulate daily life; yet, you move.

The moving on to 'more' isn't automatic. You must want to join. 'More' isn't fate.

You can decide if you join activities to alleviate pain or burdens, also for others.

To be 'on top of the world' comes with persistently choosing wholeness for all.


"Having your space merge with Mine is a most liberating and healing occurrence.

You are always free to travel in your spirit to more depth and insight, to wisdom.

Wisdom isn't something intellectual. It's a message to your systems to go all out.

Traveling with Me has nothing to do with holding My hand or defending a faith.

Closeness to Me means uncovering fences you can tear down, as they are fake.

You're not everywhere like I am but you are free and can increase your volume.


"If you refuse to blossom as a free entity, you price yourself out of life's market.

The potential you harbor may be given to those who have little on their journey.

But don't theorize here. No humans may ultimately choose against themselves.

The monumental invitation facing you is taking charge of your space right now.

In your spirit core you'll be healed so your unfolding can keep a steady course.

Your smiles about this will brighten your paths. With Me, you won't go wrong.


"The issue in this segment is that you are always in the process of changing.

All living is a lively and surprising process. Nothing lives that is not moving.

All happenings exist of change, newness and regrouping. Or call it 'dancing'.

Your science says that even the smallest particles contain forces that move.

Yet practically, you'll still consider matter to be inanimate, dead or lifeless.

The truth is that there is no standstill or lasting stagnation in life anywhere.


"Does this information profit you? Will it affect your daily life's mainstream?

Let Me remind you that in these words I reveal to all My nature's workings.

I tell you that all in life reflect and mirror those, as they exist by their grace.

It is logical to ask why I, the One speaking, am as I am. Could I be different?

You may wonder: 'What, if I, the one I AM, would stop existing, would quit?'

Will space collapse on itself, nothing remaining, no existence anywhere?


"Let Me tell you, I still would be that new nothing, expanding it to perfection.

Of course, this is foolish thinking 'about' Me, as if you can step outside of Me.

Thinking about things only leads to clear insight when done in My presence.

My presence 'happens' to be all-love; it carries and motivates all moving on.

Consider it My decision that I occur as I do, as Real Reality, lovingly shared.

You decide to accept or reject this. As theory it's useless; as reality, fresh air.


"Life's moves towards more glory are a process on all levels and in every direction.

Space is therefore never a measured amount that can't increase or is fixed forever.

Your person, freed from your earthly body, has limitless opportunities for growth.

Keep this in mind when you are wondering why you are born or to where you go.

You're involved in a process that in an absolute sense has no beginning or ending.

In a relative sense, your person, existing in life, reflects this, as you are My image.


"Your ever-lively presence as a unique being is endowed with its own center.

I am life's Center in absoluteness. Relatively seen, you're your world's center.

Being space, building it and having your volume fill it each day, begins in you.

You start with a spark of life. It is My gift, so to speak. You take it from there.

Growing, showing or unfolding as entity follows laws innate to the species.

But all laws or material used for growth remain in their way relative to Me.


"Knowing nothing in or around you isn't relative to Me frees up your thoughts.

You needn't grasp the techniques or principles by which Real Reality functions.

Using a hand isn't dependent on feeling its ties with brains, nerves or muscles.

Yet, if you don't accept the link, you get in trouble when you're using the hand.

Well, realizing you operate within the eternal process I am enhances full trust.

To the point that your always moving on as an individual will happily thrill you.


"Through research and experiments human curiosity leads to new insights.

Some may help to identify and to heal parts of your planet earth's frailties.

Many believe it must be possible to repair most of earth's malfunctioning,

or at least they hope it and strive to move toward more prosperity for all.

I do not offer this kind of a hope. I point at the real solution for earth's ills.

It's: restoring the link with Me as the space you all are. That's your future!


"Your mission on earth has placed you in the midst of stuck or decaying situations.

Building a positive world after My image is from all sides obstructed or prevented.

Your mind is confused about what really goes on. Physically, your lifespan is short.

The power of these words is in My speaking them, I, the One you are an image of.

You can aim at strengthening the externals: health, family, society or weaknesses.

Still, unless those efforts reflect true life's overall direction, no sturdiness holds.


"The ordeal for you is that you have to protect your space against 'not-Me' forces.

You need constant alertness to keep all at bay that do not pursue a sphere of love.

Within yourself, desires can be in conflict; so what do you really achieve by living?

Feeling at home, in peace or adequate when with Me, may seem a rare exception.

Priding yourself as a factor in the expanding of all-wholeness can seem rather iffy.

From many gets more taken than what is received. Their space amounts to little.


"I offer these sobering facts to alert you to never be afraid or ashamed of them.

Your importance is in how you process the difficulty of this unnatural situation.

Even if in your opinion you do a poor job or make no progress, you're priceless.

Why? Because you're not on earth to 'succeed' but to find Me as companion.

Once all facts of where life without Me leads to are shown, a new era starts.

In the meantime, your lingering miseries are encapsulated by My wholeness.


"Everything serves My glory even if, like on earth, it goes through a dark maze.

Some people put down or neglect their own body to focus on spiritual heights.

This doesn't amount to walking with Me. For now, the body is your space, too.

You'll find Me by your side when coping with your ongoing survival burdens.

You may not be interested in, or have no intention, to let My words touch you.

Yet, by doing your best wisely, with love, you embellish eternity's perfection."
