

"The healing power of joy and of laughter is well known. It is widely documented.

These words support that notion. They place joy in its powerful, central position.

I can't stress enough for all that a deep sense of happiness is universally normal.

On your spirit's level you can stay firmly connected with the healing flow of life.

There, I meet you and the direct encounter will reinforce your sense of security.

My presence always radiates encouragement. You may count on it at any place.


"Feeling welcome, belonging and an arriving home are for you precious features.

Much is cold, unpredictable and a threat in living on earth. Nothing there's safe.

For some, laughter can be a luxury that is at times dangerous or not-expressed.

Often, what is faked as lightheartedness is loaded with pain, sarcasm, pretense.

You know how humor may hurt, can be demeaning. Laughing things off is a joke.

In other words, many expressions of joy have no or shallow roots and can't last.


"There's nothing phony, superficial or mask-like in the joy that's in your nature.

It is an integral part of life unfolding. It unmistakably reflects that I am happy.

The word happy I take as relating to total bliss and as individual experiences.

Nothing in My world is stuck, worrisome, heavy, interfering with joyous rides.

See it as one open-ended adventure in which the pleasant surprises multiply.

So is for Me life's journey. It can be for you. All are free to join a happy parade.


"Most of you have family or friends with whom you are at ease and can be honest.

Your smile for them is genuine and their's warms you. This all has to do with trust.

Yet, human life fares poorly in this regard. Complete trust in anybody is not wise.

I said before, you cannot trust yourself, what for many is hard to admit or accept.

You all are not My original creation. If that were so, I need not speak these words.

Humans are fabricated so that they and their defective world can barely make it.


"I mention extensively life's happy side in order to expose its sunny character.

It's easy for people to find excuses preventing them from freely going all out.

Your background or events can present you with reasons for gloom or doom.

Yet listen. I walk with you where you go, if you let Me. And never am I 'down'.

From Me comes nothing difficult or dark. It's not the way I am, was or will be.

Whatever forces do interfere with your smiling, see them as being retarded.


"Many human languages have a saying that 'Tomorrow will be another day',

or the message is: 'Keep smiling, don't let the world see what's inside' you.

These wisdom's may be well intended, but as such they're just clever tricks.

Joy, smiling, calmness or a pleasant demeanor are inherent to true nature.

Happiness is not an attitude. It's anchored in you. Yet it can be suppressed.

And why would you do that? These words alert to activate your innate joy.


"Is it clear by now, joy is more than a character trait some have and others not?

Nevertheless, going by people's appearances, some are born happy-go-lucky.

I ask attention for what's in one's heart, your heart. Do not figure out others.

You've heard that all others, as do all things, originate in the same one spirit.

How they'll take it is up to them. You're accountable for your life's light side.

Your tenth ingredient will never go away from you. Why not give it full rein?


"Many expressions of joy will be colored by cultural, social and other traditions.

Set times, customs,and codes of behavior are pertinent for public festivities.

Being on the road with Me transcends this; it is a highly personal and daily joy.

It beats cherishing the past or yearning for future goodies. My sun burns now.

Any happening of every moment is a fullness in itself; it qualifies as happiness.

It sounds unrealistic, not available for common people. Yet your spirit agrees!


"When certain projects are discussed in the real world, they get serious attention.

Do not think there is nothing else to do than what you call partying or goofing off.

Yet, in all circumstances, all do participate in good spirits and all have a good time.

Growth, unfolding and moving to more is not automatic. It is all well thought out.

Nothing disturbs life's fullness with its challenges, projects, changes or progress.

Only your ancestors' doings lack lightness and are excepted from total harmony.


"Paradoxically, the misery and tension your ancestors cause can also deepen joy,

except in the outermost area where earth did get its temporal, 'impossible' place.

All turned to Me when noticing some people detached themselves from sharing.

My reaction to not desert them, but to extend My love, came as a welcome relief.

The whole universe then saw that truly nothing can undo the grandness of living.

So singing of joy is not a theory. It's the sound of the universe having a great time.


"The healing factor in laughter has to do with the radiation of universal vibrations.

None of earth's systems work in ways that they can produce only positive results.

Yet that does not mean, as you observe, that all feels hopeless or cannot function.

Many do a great job by making things work and enjoyable, in spite of adversities.

Often without knowing why, the tenth ingredient is being kept in an active mode.

That is what I mean by aligning with the universe. It starts with your spirit within.


"It wouldn't be a bad exercise for you to tabulate all your concerns and worries.

And then turn inwards to look at everything with My eyes, leaving nothing out.

The darkness will not as by magic disappear; yet something clicks in your mind.

Viewing life from My perspective, from your spiritual bridges, is seeing it right.

From there, eternal light shines on how you feel, process, think, cope or grasp.

Call it wisdom, enlightenment, attuned or maturity, it is sure mental health.


"These words present you with options, allowing your system to work optimally.

Your environment won't permit you perfection. Neither will your body or mind.

Everything on earth is corrupt, fragmented or threatened. How could it not be?

This being as it is still leaves you with nature's components. That won't change!

It explains why things still more or less function and can sustain earth's mission.

Accepting you've the ability to mirror Me somehow puts you on the right track.


"Many people who do not know Me still reflect My nature in much of heir doings.

When after dying they're exposed to life's full proportion, they like it right away.

You, when you take these words as facts, are also nicely prepared for moving on.

Why is it that you read these words and others don't? Will it make a difference?

Let Me tease you again with: 'If you don't like these words, just don't like them!'

Your mission is to take full responsibility for whatever you desire, choose or do.


"It is a bit like: 'Take it or leave it'. I'll never push you into believing that I speak.

Of course, it can be interesting you telling Me why you're alive and moving on.

I can ask: 'You're sure? Who tells you? Who do you follow? Is there any proof?'

It isn't a bad idea to wonder about what you're going to say after you've died.

However, I keep My promise to ask you to honestly answer My one question.

Which is, also regarding joy: 'What says your deepest yearning and longing?'


"Being happy, feeling good and expressing it with smiles or laughter is normal.

The negative state can't eliminate this, so it re-routes much of it; with success.

They cleverly use that all humans possess this element and set up rules for it.

These are so ingrained that other people's reactions pilot how to express joy.

Infants look to mother for validation. Adults bond with like-minded humans.

Peers, clan, status or fashion dictate what's funny or acceptable: and watch!


"Being aware of the all-over external validation is for most people second nature.

It interferes tremendously with spontaneity, with freedom or with being honest.

You, too, without realizing it, are aware of people's thinking or ways of reacting.

For you it's normal, yet it's an abomination that surroundings dictate and judge.

Why? Because true happiness comes from your spirit and your closeness to Me.

True laughter portrays love and wisdom; it is self-reliant and respects all others.


"Are you alert to the contagiousness of opinions of other persons or of groups?

Living with others does require adjustments. Doing just your thing is not wise.

But when playing social roles, know it's not your identity; there's more to you.

That more is the joy you find in yourself, for which you do not need any others.

I stay your best friend. Your family life and social contacts can mirror Our love.

Your inner smile, because of Me, knows no isolation; it can become contagious!


"The type of humor people use depends upon what attention they want to get.

You may be attentive to what you radiate while feeling your closeness to Me.

Some people are plainly funny, they can make others laugh. It is a great asset.

Others have little sense of humor; their joy or happiness come out indirectly.

Real healers can use humor, but not without a real caring and being attentive.

You all can mirror true life's joy by your attitude at home, at work and at play.


"I say that to stress that real happiness comes from within and then proceeds.

Again, the image of traveling is appropriate. You all journey, alone or together.

How do you travel? With a hymn for the chance to live life's daily adventure?

What about a travel companion, which first of all can be Me, if you invite Me?

Do you consider all other people in your life as co-travelers with you and Me?

Are you aware you may contribute to their health and happiness, if you wish?


"Joy has everything to do with knowing all life's true facts; with knowing Me.

Many things give joy. Yet, what lasts and lets you not down, is My friendship.

In Me, all comes together, as well as I am its source. All of it is good. You, too.

How much more can I support you in engaging in smiling within your spirit?

Perhaps it is a secret one, if you aren't free to show it to others. I do see it!

What is truly joyful has the future. Misery is on its way out. I see you 'whole'."
