

"It's quite remarkable to notice that most people are acting as if being in charge.

And in a way, this is so. Even every atom has a center in it from which it operates.

So, for sure, sentient entities like humans can utilize all what's in or around them.

You can map in purely personal ways your territory, your course and any choices.

Yet, at the same time, you rely totally on your body's doing. Will this support you?

Then, also outer factors are thrown at you, like illnesses, disasters, crime and war.


"You act as if you're in charge, but are you? What about interference from within?

Within each person warring factions seem to like meddling in each other's affairs.

When you regulate these, what about any genes or other givens you can't undo?

And beyond those, what is known about the reasons for being born as you did?

Could there be a well-defined mission for which your eternal part volunteered?

So taking these rather opaque factors together, how free's the you who decides?


"Many think that all is determined or that you're a pawn in bigger, hidden schemes.

I don't argue with that, as indeed your appearance on earth isn't a fluke of nature.

Nothing is that. I'm not an accident, cosmic or whatever. My nature I have chosen .

I'm Myself, by in every way solidly enjoying love, beauty, adventure and newness.

Nothing is, occurs or becomes that does not gladly contribute to universal issues.

In the present time-cycle it seems to exclude what's negative, yet, only to a point.


"Even the negative originates in freedom, though its use of it became delusional.

It portrays what happens when freedom is isolated or made into a goal in itself.

In this sense, life on earth contributes to true freedom by showing what it's not.

It means you are not really responsible for a life and situation you didn't ask for?

If so, then it is no wonder people don't make too big a deal of their imperfection.

This kind of thinking'll occur when you dismiss the fact that all is relative to Me.


"Let Me paint for you some workings of the full Reality, where freedom blossoms.

In it, particles or totality, units and whole structures, all cooperate from free will.

Nothing is ever forced on, or even expected from each other. All choose to join.

How ls it possible, with the differences in form, awareness, function or content?

Choosing is possible, as in every particle involved, My love structure is followed.

The desire and ability to cooperate in enriching life's totality is what full living is.


"Each particular segment in life wants to share it is being original to the fullest.

A mistake people make is thinking one's forever stuck with being what one is.

They see being a rock as being just that, period, and that that is its fate forever.

How erroneous! I'm not stuck with Myself! Fluidity and transition are all over.

My structure allows for all to be in life the way they want. There are no limits.

This is incomprehensible to you unless you see changes as being love-based.


"Materials, and those who use them, are connected through My presence in both.

What you call flexibility or adjusting is a full-fledged feature that's familiar to all.

A stone desires to be that, otherwise it would not be one. So open and free is life.

On earth rules dependency, skillfully emasculating any remnant of true freedom.

Matter, space and minds are extremely rigid; it comes with their 'pseudo'-nature.

So, yes, as no one can step out of their skin, why not be cynical about freedom?


"Can you stretch your imagination, seeing everything building life from freedom?

It really seems far-fetched that, in all life, the format of My structure is followed.

Yet, this is what I say. My nature knows no exceptions. Everything 'has' freedom,

and not just freedom, but also what it leads up to: beauty or a well-functioning.

Again, being in love is a correspondence to this. Every part can join in to enjoy it.

Being in love has as a feature the desire that the whole world should sanction it.


"It's obvious on earth that there's always another side to living from freedom.

When freedom is activated, it is instantly undermined, isolated and attacked.

When a society turns toward social justice, corruption is showing elsewhere.

When all is well, it's hard to stay flexible, open-minded, humble and thankful.

Possessions, status and expectations tend to suffocate freedom. They'll rule.

Subtly, forgetting freedom's purpose contaminates human minds and kills it.


"Real Reality's volume in all aspects is founded on the free will of its builders.

The way your world is structured looks a far cry from its base of free choice.

Entangled tightly in conflicting interests, freedom has little breathing space.

Yet, all over are signs not all people are fooled by what is considered normal.

Striving toward justice, beauty or health, many see as not disputable calling.

Right! Being aligned in your spirit, freedom's balm can lubricate any system.


"I don't go into any detail telling how you can fit in and bring out your best.

It would defy your ninth ingredient's glory if I coach you as you do a child.

I offer you information you've to process all by yourself; or not, of course.

Either way, you must show your reaction to being on earth, as all humans.

This I say. You don't have to believe it. You pick a content of your opinions.

Both, not choosing or letting others decide, tell how you position yourself.


"The story of your human species is marked by examples of heroines and heroes.

Most you know for bravery, standing up as individual against mighty oppressors.

Of course, you never know if what their actions showed came from a pure spirit.

More relevant than remembering past or present people is looking at yourself.

What story will you write in terms of what dominates you, especially internally?

What leads you: fear, pleasing others, ego or honest efforts to honor Our love?


"If you let My light enter, it overlaps this freedom element. They will shine.

You may ask yourself if you feel right about how you behave or spend time.

You've the problem that nothing in your mind functions well automatically.

Even if a positive attitude comes easily, know, it will hide some deceptions,

which is to say, it'll require hard work to have all of you function properly.

Nobody'll do it for you. It's just you and Me. Well, if you honestly want it.


"The whole purpose of these booklets is to illuminate the facts of being in life.

Nothing is just hanging together. It all represents facets of My being perfect.

In the rest of the universe this is visible, touchable; it keeps all of it involved.

How different is your world, where nothing can guarantee lasting pleasure.

The answer to the question if life is livable without Me seems clear by now.

So why is the negative state still there? Is more proof, also via you, needed?


"Most people don't think or don't want to think about the ending of your world.

I tell you with so many words: it ends. The measure of evil reaches completion.

Do not exclude the possibility it could have reached that critical point already.

In your linear way of thinking, this is not yet the case. Much can still take place.

Being born on earth means that any memory from before that is inaccessible.

It is a reason you tend to only go by the human norms when judging evil's rule.


"Figuring out how your world can end on the basis of your ideas is speculation.

This applies to any 'sign': like change in nature, morality, technology or events.

The reason is twofold. One, you, the present human race, are not evil's source.

My issue is with those who 'pseudo'-created earth, the negative perpetrators.

What happens with them is decisive for how long your world will stay around.

I indicated already that among them are doubts about their abuse of freedom.


"There's a second reason why guessing about earth's demise is unproductive.

It would interfere, on top of other static, with fulfilling your earthly mission.

That is, to choose My love and truth with the little freedom being left in you.

Do realize that your real life ends as soon as you are disconnected from Me.

This isn't a threat. It confirms you can stay aware of being a part of eternity.

You do share, fragmented, flawed and all, in showing life's eternal structure.


"In your spirit, the ending of your negative state can occurs daily, if you want.

It happens when you let in the light of love and truth, goodness and wisdom.

Parts in you that don't agree with My light can eventually leave your system.

Even your body may somewhat profit from your choice to be home with Me.

Any influx of health comes from the mind, which receives it from your spirit.

The final judgment is, do you desire to become your resurrected eternal self?


"You see that these words put squarely before you the use of your ninth element.

Circumstances can't take away your freedom to observe what is going on inside.

Within you, you make up your mind what world you want and wish to be part of;

that, even if you're falling apart or your body is caged by an illness or some evil.

In 'things' or matter, choosing is done according to how that life-form functions.

Human sentient beings have awareness of options and can observe themselves.


"You can wonder about little children, or those criminally insane or hardly human.

You can think of yourself during the times that your mind seemed out of control.

What about responsibility for how you choose when inside being overwhelmed?

The issue is that freedom isn't just moral, social, psychological, social or spiritual.

It is your and all beings' ninth component. In other words, you are embodying it!

Unrecognizable, maimed and perverted, 'all is freedom' is constituting life itself!


"Any structure or unit serves a purpose, as do all elements it does consist of.

Nowhere is life's edifice not appearing as ever new, fresh or richly endowed.

You'll never grasp what motivated your cells or organs to become your body.

However, you can invite them to vibrate with you on a common level of love.

Taking care of your body, or of what you feed your mind, increases freedom.

The full scope of freedom can escape you, yet it's the one road to proper life."
