

"Your freedom to be yourself, however defined, goes further than you think.

The reason is that you're like Me, are an image of Me and are of My nature.

Anything is in life because it flows from Me, its center and circumference.

I am the energy on which the universe runs. For you, as such, it's the same.

This energy is simply and plainly love. Keep this in mind when you choose.

As love is by definition not caged, its power always radiates total freedom.


"Power is such a volatile commodity on earth because it lacks love's freedom.

It's only in the negative state's zone that energy lost its eternal love identity.

You know, anything imposed will mean dependency, tension or abnormality.

Your human ancestors started out with full access to all creative know-how.

The moment they chose to hide their doings, they initiated an unreal world.

In it, power became threatening, not shared, a tool for violence and control.


"Without wind, a sailboat is lost at sea. So is the pseudo-life your ancestors created.

It's your situation. Living on your planet is floating on currents leading to nowhere.

Your power over life's events is extremely limited, temporary or often misdirected.

It is tempting to take cosmic powers and those beyond, for granted, as mysterious.

It's wrong to not acknowledge Me in those, as it is My energy enabling them to be.

All power, being love's power, profits all. Your human ancestors started to abuse it.


"Can you reverse the negative situation while you still live in the midst of that?

For one, know that when you die, limitations controlling you now will be gone.

You'll be exposed to reality's full range and you do choose what life you prefer.

If people choose dependency after dying, they're free to do that. No pressure.

Well, I, being life's energy, will not change. When you die, I am Who I am now,

meaning that by choosing to be with Me now, you puncture evil powers' core.


"The way to cope with earth's unnatural situation is to tap into your own spirit.

On the level of your innermost self, some mechanisms of free choice function.

The negative forces had to leave some of it alone so their rules can be chosen.

Meeting with Me on your spirit level greatly enhances your personal freedom.

Quite naturally so. Everything comes alive when opening up to My closeness.

Yet, it has to be your desire to let My light come through in all your endeavors.


"There's no escape on earth from needing authorities or enforcement of laws.

For the time being, it keeps all societies and what's in them more or less safe.

But all of that will be abolished, as it doesn't fit in the all-freedom before Me.

My type of freedom will be met with suspicion on earth, as will all that I say!

A resisting the interdependence will upset the rigid reign of negative forces.

In you, too, the liberating power of My words are attacked by doubt and fear.


"Everything that is runs on some energy that allows it to maintain its place.

It includes spiritual realities, you can see as powerhouses in their own right.

I do appreciate to be known by My seventh name; I am the energy in all life.

It's through Me that all got existence; including those who ignore or deny it.

When you keep treasuring My light, your sense of being free'll surge in you.

What people say about Me is irrelevant. I happening in and through you, is!


"Each thought of Me can give you joy. Each deed you do can represent My smile.

The imperfection of your performance won't undo that it is Me pulsating in you.

When you invite Me in your space as the friend I am, you soar and fly and dance.

There's no more to living for anything that exists than to freely return My love.

This is freedom: going all out with joy to celebrate life's all-including adventure.

No need to wait for others; although it feels good to see others also enjoying it.


"As the sense of freedom comes from Me, it inspires doing away with any tyranny.

Many battles will be lost when you resist the power of illness, violence and crime.

It matters much whether your courage is fed by the love-nature of all around you.

If it is not, progress and victories won't have lasting value; courage used is hollow. n

Any power on earth can be used for good or evil. The first use presents blessings.

Yet, be alert: doing good itself does not prove it is done in freedom or out of love.


"It's the One Universal Power, Who speaks to you all with these words. To you!

Celebrating a belonging to the majestic occurrence of life has no end nor limit.

All that is, is like Me; from its center it bubbles with love and happy creativity.

Your ancestors, in their quest for freedom's limits, are finding there are none!

They're still free to deny it, but they do find that My love is surrounding them.

You, who read or hear this, can choose in what direction to use your freedom.


"You must have observed that many people just don't like to get involved at all.

It's labeled passivity, aloofness, being anti-social, uncaring or something alike.

Then there are those who, for physical or mental reasons, cannot be in charge.

Also, being oppressed for generations has been leading to feeling inadequate.

Others may enjoy an abundance of positive energy and they love to speak up.

I do not differentiate. You humans are wounded, tied to many needs or limits.


"What does make a difference for Me is when energy is used in positive ways.

You could say that then My spirit in these people gets more breathing space.

Actually, it is like when things or matter are used and utilized appropriately.

My spirit in them then shines with a harmony in their inner and outer selves.

The point is that any positive use reflects the inner love-core of 'everything'.

People will diagnose each other; My evaluation is based on My love in them.


"You may get the impression I do not honor people with great responsibilities.

It is correct to assume I don't judge efforts by what shows as a visible pay-off.

I will honor, recognize and treasure it as genuine, when free choice operates.

Shy, yet honest, friendly smiles can beat much efficient professional niceness.

I say, I do see the whole picture, what none of you can. So do remain cautious.

What seems freely done may be polluted with hidden or conditioned 'needs'.


"You may smell a catch here. Don't you need to compare in order to choose?

Isn't all progress based on learning or discerning what works and what not?

Do not high standards better reflect My principles than, say, a relaxed one?

There is no catch or contradiction. It's My spirit in you that guides choosing.

So does My presence in all else. That guides your choice to reject or to love.

You harbor My wisdom in you. That's 'the' basis for evaluating what goes on.


"It is impossible for earth's people to not be influenced by the impact of others.

Parents, schools, media and social contacts make many imprints on your mind.

This, in addition to your psyche's makeup or what is inherited via your lineage.

All this is the context in which your energy operates in your three-layered self.

It's wise to realize these influences when you choose. But they're not decisive.

Most pertinent is you opting for My closeness as your central source of power.


"You may learn from what other humans present as expertise or decent behavior.

People may learn from you without you knowing it. Yet, that learning is relative.

A head full of information or a record of only positive deeds can amount to little.

In all corners of your planet sages have been saying this, throughout all the ages.

Many spoke from My truth in their spirit. Yet, how many do heed to this wisdom?

Now, it's up to you to choose what to do with My power that carries all in nature.


"I speak to each of you with an attention completely and exclusively focused on you.

Realizing I am the same for literally everything can release you from being worried.

Worry about loved ones, about yourself, about evil or what may happen, and so on.

My spirit is already in everything and everyone as the one central life-giving force.

As it is universally so, you can choose to rely on Me as My seventh name and relax.

In the words' most happy sense, others are not your business. My power in you, is!


"You still may ask if I do respect those people who'll sacrifice their lives for freedom.

It can sound cold to you, but the answer is: 'It depends'. What triggers their stance?

Let Me dismiss the erroneous idea that I'll appreciate or even encourage sacrifices.

Nobody can live for another: take over, hear for, speak for, or die for someone else.

It will be a flagrant violation of respect for each person's unique, one-time mission.

The weak, the evil ones or those saintly, all do make personal choices in their space.


"Dying while defending your country is, as such, no different than dying as aggressor.

'The' issue is how individuals deal with their inner remnants of freedom to mirror Me.

Many are molded into obeying orders, be those positive or negative and destructive.

Those who 'nobly' sacrifice may be slaves to fears, ego, impulses, guilt and pressure.

Does it mean you can as well be a coward, not standing up for justice or against evil?

My friend, it is your choice: you, the one who reads this! How are you using energy?


"Traditions, culture, politics or morals dominate the standards by which people act.

Many of these relate not to My true nature; or worse, use Me as icon or cover-up.

I, in all energy the joy and liveliness, am not the priority on people's global agenda.

Even while truly loving Me, it isn't possible to not accommodate society's customs.

Yet, seeking inspiration away from Me is not productive. True power is within you.

You share Me with all that forms the universe. My mighty spirit does support you.


"Calling Myself your supporter is meant in a total sense. Because of Me, you are.

I am not 'a' life support, but 'the' life in you. Nothing is outside of Me. So it's free.

I am for you what I am for all, a partner, lover and co-creator, based on mutuality.

When you sense and choose this, you do plug your conduits into My all-energy.

You may stutter or stumble while on earth, yet, celebrate life with a vengeance.

Nothing can top your freedom to want the zenith of all: My personal closeness."