

"Looking at the intentions of your actions will reveal a lot about how free you are.

Being honest inside requires quite some probing or skipping of wishful thinking.

As it is universal, nothing happens unless you make choices so that things occur.

What chooses in you? Are you willing to take a hard look at what motivates you?

You can find that several, often opposing, drives vie for dominance inside of you.

When sorting them out, it is crucial to wonder: 'Is this what I want to portray?'


"The problem is that on earth nothing can reach the full measure of perfection.

What's good or positive is, at best, a signal of, or points at, all real life's splendor.

As such, it is a magnificent testimony to My life's nature, in spite of distortions.

Yet, you won't find confirmation of what is true life about in anything external.

So it is for human thinking or logic, however brilliant: No guarantee of truth.

However, when your intentions have the clarity of My spirit, freedom bells toll.


"The test for the intention to mirror My nature is in the realm of love and truth.

Love is, seeing goodness in everything. Truth is, having wisdom as you consort.

You can consciously work on it by taking charge of all your thinking and doing.

Doing so can seem to restrict the freedom to always do or think as you please.

Yet, that comes from ignoring freedom as exclusive channel for love and truth.

Wishing anything else than that is pollution and a channel for what's negative.


"The exuberance the universes radiate stems from all volunteering to be involved.

All play a role in manifesting the splendor of life in its tiny details and grand total.

All want it, sentient entities, matter, builders and material; all want to reflect Me.

How can things have free will? Can they volunteer? By your standards, they can't.

Yet, what'll function by its true nature has as its vibrations the beat of all desires.

All life and living shows longing for Me and mirrors My desire to be their partner.


"Love and truth are the criteria for whether realness or delusions are expressed.

Your instinct and intuition will guide you when you do explore your motivations.

If love and honesty aren't your intention, you are slave to lies, realizing it or not.

There is an adjunct to acting out of free will. It will always come with a deep joy,

perhaps not with laughter or fun, as much in your life may be too painful for that.

Yet, when there is no inner joy, or a lifting up of happy praise, freedom is absent.


"Your human history shows ongoing struggles against a multitude of oppression.

Efforts to thwart freedom to live as you wish comes from literally all directions.

It may be nature, to whose whims humans are subjected, with marginal success.

Inside you, inhibitions and inborn fears can rumble. You may be your own tyrant.

Tribes, nations or families exercise control. Culture and religion curtail freedom.

Financial, technical and work restraints limit greatly showing off your potential.


"In individuals are many signs of slavery: to habits, worries, ego or pleasing others.

You're constricted by when or where you're born. Nothing hints at free choosing.

All dependencies show the opposite of branching out, so normal in the full reality.

Yet realize that this situation only arose because of the choices made by humans!

They probe the alternative to the eternal wish to love and mirror Me in freedom.

Universally, not the slightest interest in this shows, as all love their choosing love.


Those like you in the negative state, have some free will and an ability to choose.

You haven't experienced life's fullness, even if deep down you sense it must exist.

When you reject the words of these booklets, nothing may seem to be changing.

Yet your choice to trust Me has consequences that lead to a night becoming day.

Light can be restricted, not eliminated. Yet, all darknesses do disappear by light.

Living by My daylight can bring out in you the remnants of an eternal brightness.


"Things are not what they seem on the surface when seen by My presence's light.

These words are examples of this. They can be taken as just words and new ideas.

Reading them as if I directly speak to you makes them more than a novel opinion.

In them, I reveal Myself in, for-Me, strange, restricted, inadequate, adjusted ways.

Yet, because of My new nature, I can do it, as My dwelling in your spirit confirms.

No piece of what's in life can reveal its full scope if I'm not invited to illuminate it.


"If you want and if it feels right, you're free to welcome Me in everything you do.

You can think of how close I am and that I desire to express Myself through you.

You can constantly check and see if what you think or do is what you truly want.

You see that in this way you act from true freedom? No one controls your spirit.

I do not interfere with what you want. I don't judge or condemn. I say Who I am.

Daring to personally respond to it lets you overcome the efforts to confine you.


"It can create such a joy in you to discover that in My presence you are so free.

There's no judging you or comparing you, no expectations or criteria to be met.

Your just being there as the entity you are, I validate as important, as precious.

Any dear human distinctions and opinions are totally obsolete in My presence.

In other words, you will be a new person when you manifest your meeting Me.

Feeding your mind and choosing ability from Me,consolidates Our friendship.


"Except in the negative state's realm, not just all sentient entities have free will.

It is one of the big surprises for deceased humans to notice all-around freedom.

Everything there manifests itself in its own way; nothing'll be forced on anyone.

Material, fabric, sounds and densities materialize and adjust in myriads of ways.

No trace of non-freedom, deadliness, dependency or passivity: they mirror Me.

What figures in My mind always 'becomes'; then will show something beautiful.


"This leads to the situation that nothing is just environment, texture or material.

In all, as they come from Me, figure the twelve elements the booklets tell about.

I'm the epitome of freedom. Therefore, in what's from Me it's present. It shows!

How it shows is so difficult for you to grasp. Let Me say something you do know.

You ever experienced a time when all seemed to fall in place, including 'things'?

Remember this felt as if the world smiled at you? And all worked out as hoped?


"Those, usually fleeting, moments give ideas how things work in My world.

There, is open communication between participants at any given instance.

A floor is there when you like to walk. A wall can adjust to privacy or view.

Your earth speech is limited, inaccurate or inefficient for full transmitting.

Leave alone it only works among one species, excluding those not human,

while true speech freedom doesn't restrict any exchange of any message.


"This indicates how thoroughly a normal, direct, full communication is distorted.

It doesn't mean, for instance, that poetry cannot evoke beauty for who reads it.

But are the words transparent and reveal the writer's full innermost intentions?

And what about the 'sound' of motivation, background or desires, do they hum?

What I mean is, that comprehensive expressing, leaving nothing out, is the norm.

You can't achieve this. Yet learning now their true scope can whet your appetite.


"My sixth name, Manifestation, says clearly that nothing is not revealing Me.

All does it in its own unique way, always in harmony with the unit it's part of.

All are only involved in what's a joy to be a part of! If that lacks, they change.

The process of becoming a particular life-form is 'monitored' by its freedom.

Endowed directly by Me or indirectly by others, freedom is in all 'becoming'.

It is no matter of agreeing with it or liking it. It's how all in existence thrives.


"The sphere in the universe isn't one in which things happen automatically.

It's never, in any way, bothered by hidden agendas or conflicting interests.

You do figure how much energy that saves! Waste is unknown in full living.

Freely manifesting life through one's unique self doesn't exclude learning.

That life is exciting has to do with being able to change to more perfection.

No changes will cause resentment; those involved in it all gladly volunteer.


"Well, what does this mean for you? Some of it is available to you all, you know.

I do not mean as a dream, vision or belief. It's there, where you are accessible.

First of all, you're a manifestation of life, whether you happen to like it or not.

Any evil non-love you portray tells My nature is, also in you, deeply corrupted.

Yet in hearing freedom's call, in wanting to be yourself, eternity's bells do ring.

This is the second fact. You expressing My nature is within reach. You can do it.


"Even if nobody but you takes the trouble to read this, know it's very important.

If you would be the only one, you represent earth's humanity, past and present.

How can this be? Simply because I am the manifestation of life, projected in all.

Being left out, obscured or denied by few or by many, eliminates nothing of Me.

If you're the only human to realize this, I see in you the human race waking up.

I don't deal in numbers. One person loving Me says: humanity's glory restored.


"Words like these can seem pompous, blown up and not on your daily life's level.

You probably prefer the familiar ground of your 'reality'. You see the problem?

Your 'real' situation is the way you relate to Me, in a positive or a negative way.

You could say all your outer or inner activities are involved in freedom's battle.

So look at for what you fight, and why and how, and if you consciously choose.

It is difficult to discern My presence in your external world. Yet, in you, I shine.


"Anything that is, shows signs of Me, just by being in life. Well, what about you?

Resistance to see this has to do with being conditioned to prioritize externals.

You sense correctly you can't survive on earth without playing by earth's rules.

My words invite you to much more than resigning to it as they offer liberation.

Realize, I personally dwell in the innermost spirit, soul or core of who you are.

I do not have to. I want to. Despite earthly restrictions, you can join Me in you."
