

"Energy, radiance or glow are some of the names for nature's fourth component.

They're not 'a' force behind being in life but an integral part of life's substance.

Nothing in life is like supporting staff, not the real thing, or just an extra adjunct.

Each element adds with its own fullness to life's eternal and universal splendor.

You could call all life's vibrations passionate. They will radiate in all forms of life.

This means that fire is not just 'a' power but is the very 'solid' core of all existing.


"You may recall times when all seemed peaceful, balanced, satisfying and productive.

At those times you felt a realness, a being 'with it' and an inner and outer harmony.

If you treasured these moments, you can use them as models for all your endeavors.

Reality is there when all energies, sounds and colors join, celebrating life with Me.

It can occur as pure harmony, in quietness or as an ever more spirited exuberance.

Crises or a depletion of positive supplies won't undo that Reality is intensely alive.


"Perhaps you are a person so exposed to stress that you do not feel like dancing.

For many, life is harsh and leaves no room for dreaming about peace or justice.

Yet life's fire is in everybody. In spite of possible ordeals, you are real and alive.

Sensing the truth that life's real substance is in you, cherish it as a secret flame.

You can trust implicitly that your value isn't determined by what's on the outside.

What's within you counts; the choices of a caring spirit are fuel for happy fires.


"Reality is like an always burning fire. It is in all appearances of life universal.

Matter consists of forces holding their form together, not just mechanically.

Its purpose is to be of use and be available so it can enrich and beautify life.

Though incomprehensible for you, matter adjusts to 'needs' of the moment.

Matter never disappoints or is useless. It is flexible in accommodating love.

The fear of matter's nuclear or other destructive potential is grossly unjust.


"You have to stretch your imagination to see all things as ablaze with happiness.

Well, what you call 'matter' does not have the same consciousness as humans.

But don't jump to the conclusion that it is therefore inferior or of less realness.

The truth of all life, its substance, is its being relative to Me; it's the same for all.

The fire of My nature burns in all. All has this fourth element, is as such vibrant.

All in life sparkles with the passion My Person exudes. I love to see life 'alive'!


"I'll keep reminding you that universally fire is of an exclusively positive consistence.

No life-form exists without it. It's freely shared, contagious and mutually admired.

In the negative state, this happy sharing is overshadowed by its widespread abuse.

You people forged weapons of destruction in the wake of discovering they can kill.

For many people, death indicates life isn't worth much and its importance a fiction.

Your ancestors infused humans with the delusion that no love-fire like Mine exists.


"On earth, fire causes death and losses. It is as threatening as it is treasured.

It devours as easily as it brightens. It is hard for you to re-think its function.

To feel close and safe with Me all the misconceptions about fire have to go.

People can't change earth's situation but these words do act as medication.

They heal you from the idea I'll ever strike out angrily, am violent or threaten.

My passion in granting life has as its only drive making love more exciting.


"With much 'unholy' fire around, you're forced to protect and defend yourself.

I don't judge human ways of coping with the insidious assaults of crime or hate.

I want to bring home to you the truth that all passions or drives originate in Me.

When getting out of hand as violence, rage, cravings and the like, fire is abused.

As much as you can, you can resist or protest power's abuse and its advocates.

Above all, you all can expose yourself daily to My clean and cleansing radiance.


"Do not avoid being aware of your urges and fantasies, even if they are negative.

Fire, burning in a way that can hurt you or others, is yet a symptom of aliveness.

You can resist catering to any passion threatening to corrupt the flow of energy.

Because of humans' contorted drives and needs, be alert to never harm or hurt.

Negative thoughts, worded and acted upon or not, do contaminate your truth.

The true substance of you is in the healing you spread and in our desire to do so.


"Drive, passion, power, spirit or radiation are not just qualifications in general.

You're accountable for what's emitted from or with your body, mind or spirit.

Being for real means the fire in you is a happy one, wise and full of goodness.

All violence is evil, even while used for protecting or defending the innocent.

The use of violence is always a perversion. It quells pure fire. Can you stop it?

Parents' hearts bleed when disciplining their child. This dilemma is truly evil.


"People easily relate violence to gods, demons, evil forces or survival needs.

They feel overpowered by nature acting out at random, striking out in rage.

Many take that as punishment or getting rubbed in humans' insignificance.

It's true that any form of violence reveals something; it corresponds to lies!

So, from cataclysmic events to personal tragedies, they do not 'just' happen.

Nothing has no reason, is out of the blue or neutral. So ask, what about Me?


"These words, in the most absolute way possible, present you with answers.

All the negative you encounter in your world isn't from Me, is not My doing.

I don't punish, demand sacrifices, act in anger, hate or cause pain or sorrow.

My fire has no side that could make you fear it as threatening or destroying.

Hold on to this, because it also means the true fire in you doesn't contain it!

However hard it is for you to grasp, there's no threat or violence in My world.


"You ask, why then use the word fire there where it clearly relates to violence?

The reason for it is that I don't avoid confronting you with the truth and facts.

The falsities you must live with are built-in conditions of your earth's makeup.

You live in a world deliberately set up to be unlike Mine: as viable alternative.

Violence was not planned. Your ancestors couldn't plan what was unknown!

Only 'gradually' it became clear that what blocks out My closeness gets dark.


"I assure you that good and 'bad' are not equal forces. Fire, stolen, 'became' evil.

Whoever does deny being relative to Me deteriorates and slides into darkness.

Your life is full of analogies; flowers cut off wither; removing roots kills the tree.

When lines with true life are cut, nothing endures. It may seem normal; it is fake.

The lie is fed to you from all directions that your present world is a passable one.

And indeed, worthwhile and pleasant things are happening on earth. How come?


"The only reason there is good living, a positive existence, too, is because of Me.

More precisely, it exists because My fire burns even if 'stolen' and corrupted.

Love turning into hatred or passion becoming destructive never changes Me.

On the contrary, in the end it confirms that denying My love or truth backfires.

I changed My nature by expanding My love. I don't destroy the negative cancer.

What you sense as honest or good - see it as signs of true light breaking through.


"Can you realistically look at life, society or nature and only see My positive fire?

Nothing seems to exist that cannot fall apart, become scarred or a real menace.

Therefore, I keep asking you to look within, if there it tells you that life isn't so.

These words say life's core, meaning and substance is as Mine, in your life, too.

To say it nicely, it's the joining of All-Love and All-Truth that makes life bright.

It practically means letting My flames in you spread as only positive actions.


"I hold on to the word 'fire' as fourth element because it's life's central force.

In Me burn desires to love and be loved, to interact with all that's before Me .

This means that reality isn't some fate or concept you can agree with or not.

Reality, being, life, Myself, you and all are happenings of lively proportions.

Reality is a great display of ever-changing light, joy, excitement, bliss, peace.

It's a blatant lie that darkness and light, or good and bad, are balancing acts.


"On earth will be violence, with fire burning you or attacking those around you.

In the midst of it, like when you're sick, you can persist it's not what you want.

For all practical purposes, you treat it as real. Faking health or peace is in vain.

My word of truth tells you that your eternal fire survives its renegade flames.

If your own true flame seems absorbed by blazing invaders, My glow remains.

I fight evil not with evil, though it tries to have Me blemish My record as love.


"Many people seem conditioned to turn to higher powers, gods, when in need.

Without thinking, many ask Me to destroy their enemies, viruses or whatever.

You see how careful you must be to not drag your idea of Me to the level of evil.

If you want real healing, justice or liberation, turn to Me and realize: it is inside!

My presence protects your real self while the outer mind or body may suffer.

I know that unholy fires cause hardship, but eternity's spirit in you 'saves' you.


"I speak to you as a sentient entity who is conscious of yourself and your world.

Other participants in life elsewhere are also real as pieces of truth, in their way.

The simple fact they exist means that they all have My fire in their composition.

In myriads of ways that is being expressed, in their ways of happy celebrating.

All do marvel, finding themselves and their worlds caught up in exciting feasts.

Thus is the love affair with Me and with each other: a display of whirling colors.


"The truth of all life is that it always blatantly occurs. Well, it is fire! It is a dance.

To you all I give information about the twelve elements that form life's totality.

I do challenge you to refocus your thinking and trust, as a sort of cleansing act.

Earth fire always needs new fuel in order to continue. My fire in you does not!

It likes you to be its appearance as light, brightly creating and radiating reality.

What emanates from My passion can be transparent and effervescent as I am."
