

"I want to address the more internal structure of fire, its inner cohesiveness.

Everything in the cosmos, including planet earth, consists of countless parts.

They're held together by forces with names such as gravity and magnetism.

For materials, you use glue, screws or whatever works to make things stick.

Nothing has no adhesive forces, even invisible parts: air, sounds or thoughts.

These forces are as little flames, keeping all segments in an operative mode.


"I don't teach you. Your scientists can explain things. I do speak about Myself.

I'm not some abstract idea. My nature has a structure; all is modeled after it.

Things great or small keep their identity as units by specific adjusting forces.

Fire is their main ingredient: it's lucid, solid, powerful and inherently proper.

So the whole building of being is equipped. It shines, except what's negative.

The shine and beauty come directly from operating from My fiery spirit in it.


"Now the issue: 'If all consists of parts glued together by fire, what 'is' fire?'

It is not a matter of highbrow physics; this element has you function daily.

Fire is the operational side of My will to love. As My nature it's in anything.

Though not realizing it, you, as do the events on your planet, perform by it.

Fire is the heat of My all-being and the spark in love's and truth's embrace.

All life comes from My desire; it is the origin of it. So, all share My nature.


"You know of zillions of technical aspects in the functioning of life's edifice.

All life's emanations appear distinct and represent aspects of My fullness.

In all those is the desire to be of use, to be as Me. They're full of gratitude.

Nothing occurs by a snap of My finger. If it did, I would instantly get bored.

No, all life shares a creative passion: building and reflecting My structure.

I keep saying that 'all' includes matter and spirit - 'all' of your person, too.


"In these booklets I address all who live on your planet today, young and old.

All can treasure that in them is the passion from which all true shapes form.

This passion comes with life. I told you what it is. It's loving and being loved.

People's minds may not harbor inklings of this. Yet, their bodies do act on it.

Fire, energy, the drive to live, touch, unite and create are all reality's fabric.

Each piece of fabric is attracted to and is attracted by. It makes living lively.


"Can I prove that the glue holding all together qualifies as only beauty and joy?

Of course I can! Precisely for the reason that your person is a flame of My fire.

You may not see it, care or have little to show for in terms of positive features.

You may be very confused about how to apply to your daily doings what I say.

Yet, every word will nurture your inner wisdom, there where 'it' knows in you.

Your resistance may be as thick as concrete. Well, also in concrete burns a fire!


"Proof of being part of life's strong happy structure is your very own existence.

Shadows 'prove' there must be light. Light proves there's a source for its glow.

Shadows, pain or problems occur when light, health, justice or beauty fail you.

I will not argue. I simply say that only My fire in your life-form shapes real life.

On your spirit level, you may experience this as normal, self-evident, inspiring.

Your logic bombards you with many objections. If you harbor them. I do not!


"When you smell fire, you know something is being burned and devoured as fuel.

It is why fires are feared. They destroy or often threaten to get out of control.

Your body acts as furnace. It demands constant fuel supplies. You must feed it.

On earth, this produces the side effects of shortages, inequality or dependency.

Fire, away from Me, rages and consumes. You need whole systems to contain it.

Nothing of this resembles the fourth component. That doesn't 'use': it just gives.


"You can apply it to yourself that every cell and part of you exists to beautify life.

It may not come out as such but it's the one purpose of the composition you are.

The whole universe works by the coming together of all its drives by free choice.

Thus My fourth name, Proper. It covers the total and details of all life's harmony.

Look whether the particulars of the person you are operate under this umbrella.

My fire is in you and in all life's segments; its universal scope beautifully dazzles.


"Most people don't ever think in terms of being afire. Yet humanity thrives on it.

Passion inspires intention, motivation and attitude, if one is aware of this or not.

Getting burned by people's hostile fire can dampen your spontaneity or trusting.

However, true fire in you cannot be deadened by anybody else; it's there to stay.

Its nature is to always impel every part of your person to unfold as fully as it can.

My passion merging with yours stages love's feast; it builds your positive status.


"You're probably very much aware that a positive atmosphere is very powerful.

You can meet people in the same setting; one day it feels great, other times not.

The difference is in the 'spirit' or 'sphere' people in groups relate to each other.

Each moment in time receives its 'mentality' from what the people in it radiate.

Well, this can give you some idea of what your fourth component can produce.

How you 'honor' fire's honest desires in your private space creates your 'aura'.


"This indicates that you're not a slave of your passion, although it may seem so.

You can choose the driving force in you even if it is not the most 'popular' one.

In all other dimensions is My fire fully and gladly recognized in all that's there.

There, it's pure joy to go with its thrust as danger or threats are totally absent.

The most beautiful things happen when desires and passion join your wisdom.

In every aspect is true life an inspired occurrence: to watch, to do and to enjoy.


"In today's life, some of the 'sacred' flames are left; they're remnants of realness.

You can search for it deep within you. It can also flicker in your internal regions.

Your hopes circle around what you think or trust will profit and will satisfy you.

Yet, Real Reality embraces you when you first look for My personal presence.

That illuminates in ever-novel ways the intricate opportunities for your person.

Check and see if your intentions align with an honest desire for enlightenment.


"As long as you live on earth, it's wise to look very critically at your motivations.

Wishful thinking, pleasing others or blind spots fool you to believe you're right.

Meeting with Me must be chosen. If you do, My light exposes and inspires you.

I do not burn away your dark spots. It's not My business to take over as 'savior'.

Having falsities in you exposed can be scary and painful; it can feel like you die.

Yet, shaping passion and intention positively does solidify your mental health.


"You know that in you as a human, fires can rage as much as they do on the outside.

Crises in people's minds can frighten, as they do in your body, in society or nature.

Stoking any passion for and with what's right keeps your fire core pure and active.

What is right is always a part of what is good for all, of what's positively enriching.

My fire always spells love. You can let it energize your judging and your choosing.

Ignoring love's glow, however short, is instantly capitalized on by negative forces.


"It can comfort you to know that your position in life's totality is safe and secure.

That is so because I am this magnificent edifice in which life occurs. Life 'is' Me.

Any darkness of the negative state stays an enigma, a temporary 'impossibility'.

It is confined to just this cycle of time, in which alternatives to Me are explored.

At one point, all answers to what this leads to will be in. Then, all darkness ends.

None of the havoc it still creates is forever. The new cycle of existence closes in.


"These words are meant to have you open up your mind to life's full dynamics.

You're safe, regardless, because you are part of My passion and love, as is all.

Waking up to this makes painfully clear that denying Me corrupts to the core.

It has you question how to use the energies that will keep your person going.

I reveal Myself so you know how I deal with destructive, not-love evil forces.

I, in you, am also exposed to evil's inferno. Yet My pure fire stays your model.


"You can, by choice, serve as an example of the fact that My presence empowers.

Life can't be destroyed because I am it. It also applies to what comes after death.

The negative state's perpetrators themselves depend on the energy of life's fire.

Its source is as eternal as the ongoing uniting within Me of being Love and Truth.

This source cannot be exhausted. It's Me, Who's the fire and passion in all being.

The original human explorers were aware of this, normal for all, universal given.


"Only after several generations they became obsessed with creating without Me.

As you know, I call that 'pseudo'-creating. It looks like life, but then 'upside down',

or rather 'inside out'. The externals turned into life's goal and glory, not My light.

Yet, in all of life stirs still My nature, even in what became a 'hell' of fire abused.

All that is comes from My passion, although this notion is consistently thwarted.

Still in everything you do, you can strive to burn as candles that spread My light.


"The atmosphere or spirit in which you live is yours to choose and to protect.

Misery, ridicule or oppression can be imposed on you, yet you'll remain free.

You're free to burn your inner flame brightly as a reminder of My eternal fire.

As an agent of justice, rightness, beauty and health, each step will be fought.

Therefore, negative drives can be replaced with Mine, over and over again,

that is, if you desire your fire, impact and radiation to be of a healing nature.


"How the structure of life functions, from atoms to cosmos, has technical sides.

For each segment or brand, specific laws or potentials for unfolding are built-in.

The decisive factor in well-functioning is the spirit or sphere in which it'll occur.

If My goodness and wisdom aren't mirrored, you face emptiness or corruption.

Activating the inspiring energy of your fourth element brings solidity to living.

You participate in an overall negative system, yet My pure fire keeps you alive."
