Better Safe Than Sorry:

Safety System Bringing Users Back

by Pan Diman

“Veteran User” talking to a “User”.

Last week, a brand new VRChat Trust and Safety system was presented by several VRChat streamers who received access to the closed beta client as an invitation back to VRChat from the developers.

After Ron showed the system during a Twitch stream on Pokelawls’ channel on September 20th, general understanding of the VRChat experience changed drastically. The system features several trust ranks representing every user’s level of trust gained individually by proving themselves active and trustworthy members of society.

“‘Safety’ is a new menu tab that allows you to configure how users of each rank are treated in regards to how they display for you in VRChat,” they said in the Medium post, “This affects many aspects of a user’s presence in VRChat.”

Many users associated with Team Five, including Woops, Elite, Linden, and KimplE, suddenly started to use public instances together. Eventually, we joined KimplE and even got crashed in one of the worlds.

“Ye, the safety system made me pretty uncrashable in there. I had [a blast] streaming in public Great Pug,” she responded. “You ended up [being] crashed by a crasher, but I did not notice anything, that means the system works.”

According to KimplE, as well as many others who were forced to spend their time in private worlds because of the so-called “VRChat ghetto criminals” (from now on, many of them will be called “Nuisance Users”), the system proved itself to be a huge improvement. In her own words, “It was heavenly being able to walk in public.”

Another reason why many “originals” are coming back could be the return of the Halloween event that is now called “Spookality”, since the fall of 2017 was the breakpoint when VRChat started to get annoying after PewDiePie’s fans joined while the Safety system wasn’t available to the users.

The event started officially on September 21st, but the submissions will start on October 22nd. Make sure to check out their website for details. Spoiler alert: no VR equipment among prizes this year.

“Nuisance User” in a public instance.