Climbers Keepers:

Users Beat Devs to New Locomotion

by Pan Diman

Phasedragon climbing a wall.

Recently, CyanLaser made a tweet in which he presented a brand new locomotion system in VRChat inspired by the mechanics of NeosVR he experienced the day before the tweet.

In response to CyanLaser’s demo, Ron admitted that VRChat has been working on a similar system, hoping to release it this year, although it seems we’re not going to see it coming until at least 2020.

Eventually, the demo was caught on by other users, and Phasedragon even made a similar one with certain adjustments in order to make the system look more impressive, which led him to making even more groundbreaking systems.

In summary, Lakuza said, “This week has felt like an E3 for workarounds and new techniques.” If you want to stay aware of new inventions, you should definitely follow @VRCPrefabs on Twitter.