“All My Friends Are Dead”:

Issues With the “Offline Friends” List

by Pan Diman

Iris_ai still has all 2000 friends on her list. Image by REDACTED.

Lately, a lot of people reported having problems with the friends list in VRChat. More specifically, the app is currently having issues with people not appearing on the “Offline Friends” list.

The admins in our official Discord server explained it’s only temporary. “Just to assuage your worries: offline friends are temporarily no longer being shown while we make some updates to the system,” Tupper explained. “You haven't lost your friends, they just won't show on your list if they're offline (they also won't show in searches). Please be patient while we rework some of our systems!”

We also want to remind you that about a month ago developers of VRChat marked the long-awaited “group system” as “planned” on the Canny website where users suggest their own ideas and vote for others’ to be added. If you want to read Tupper’s suggestion on this matter along with other users’ comments, feel free to scan this QR code.

But it seems that developers have a lot more issues than just reworking their app’s social system. According to VR Pill, the team is working hard on VRChat’s security and trying to update the app in order to be able to ban users violating the terms of services.

“We are are aware of community concerns with regards to security. We consider that a high priority and are working diligently to upgrade related systems. Also, as a reminder, using a modified client or a tool that modifies the client or any form of "cheat" tool is against the ToS and will result in a ban from VRChat. We actively monitor and enforce this. We will continue to take moderation action against accounts that violate the ToS,” VR Pill stated possibly hinting at potential hackers who are most certainly not welcome in VRChat.

In the second paragraph of the same message VR Pill posted in the “Announcements” channel, he added, “Thanks for your patience while we continue to work towards making VRChat a safer environment for all.”

Follow the rules if you don’t want to get banned from Club Penguin. Image by Hofugir.