Alpha and Beta:

More Channels for Beta Testers

by Pan Diman

Tupper, that one guy new users call the owner of VRChat.

As long as the VRChat user base keeps growing, the developers require better feedback from as many people as possible, which is one of the reasons why they created another channel for notifications on their Discord server.

However, in order to “subscribe” to new notifications on the VRChat Discord regarding new testing sessions and possibly other events, every single user willing to do so was forced to identify themself as an “open beta”, which some people thought of as some sort of public shaming.

“If you'd like to receive notifications when we push new content to the Open Beta, please type ‘.iam Open Beta’ into #bottalk,” said Tupper. “This will assign you a role that will grant access to #open-beta-notifications, which is where we'll ping when new info is up. If you'd like to opt out, type .iamnot Open Beta and the role will be removed.” Then he added, “Please don't use this command anywhere else, it might be pretty annoying.”

It is fair to assume that extra attention paid to beta testers proves that they’re investing more time in public relations, and it’s just one of many things they may have to do in order to improve their application. In fact, even though users think that communication between the developers and the community is still pretty bad in general, VRChat team is still trying to focus on development of new updates, hopefully leading to the release of Udon, because, as Ron said in September, “UDON is next.”

According to our sources, one of the things they’re working on is the improvement of networking and voice communication, as well as things related to the Steam login system, which may be related to the fact they’re going to let users link their Steam to VRChat accounts, but it’s not nearly as intriguing as projects “Rooster” and “Zeus” that they’ve been mentioning in descriptions of their Steam branches for at least five months.

And while users aren’t sure what project “Zeus” is, Murakumo assumed that there is “no doubt it’s their [node graph (“Udon”)] thing“, which means it’s coming out very soon, probably within the next 5–10 years.

Image of the “Node Graph” VRChat revealed five months ago on Medium.