“I Need Photos of Spider-Man!”:

Camera Got Updated

by Pan Diman

Jazneo’s picture of himself testing newest camera filters and shaders.

It’s been almost three weeks since VRChat developers released a tool that can be used for taking in-app screenshots and recording videos, as well as streaming, and now it got updated.

Here’s what VRChat developers mentioned in the patch notes, “The camera and lens now have new models! The lens is much more camera-like now, and it is easier to recognize when you are in the spotlight. The buttons now have icons, and also let you see if the camera is oriented correctly. There’s been a lot of changes, so let’s cover the whole feature set once again...”

After that they made a list of features they just added, most of which are just additions to the existing camera, and if you want to view the whole list for yourself, you may scan this QR code.

They definitely worked on certain issues and ideas people suggested over the last year, including some new ones from a few weeks ago, and yet, while some people are excited about the new features, others were displeased to hear that VRChat team decided to support streamers, some of which seem to be long-forgotten by now, despite the fact that VRChat isn’t as popular on Twitch and YouTube as it used to be four months ago during the “Uganda Crisis,” which could’ve been used for a good marketing campaign while they still had the opportunity.

After the update got released, BetaDesh said, “The new camera features are great and all but it would be nice if the focus was on getting the game in working order before adding new features and systems to it. There's no reason at all I should be loading lopped constantly on worlds and have to restart my game to maybe get into the world I was trying to get in originally… Please, just focus on fixing what you already have laid out before adding onto it. You don't build something on broken foundation, it just doesn't work.”

Another thing people aren’t happy with is that the chairs got removed from avatars, but we can say that VRChat team is going to bring them back at some point, except this time it shouldn’t get published by mistake.

Random people using the new camera. Image posted by mercwithamouth.