New Old Hub:

Error Turns Old Hub Into Jedi Temple

by Pan Diman

New Old Hub created by error.mdl.

One of the most original worlds that were released last month belongs to error.mdl, a user who turned Old Hub into a temple with over 2700 names engraved on the walls.

The creator himself called it “a memorial to the tightly knit, welcoming, and friendly VRC community that existed before 2018”. “It was all but destroyed by the huge population boom at the end of 2017 that brought a disproportionate number of malicious and hateful users into the game,” he explained. In the end of his message, error.mdl said, “A memorial to those who have fallen and a reminder of better times to those who persist.”

According to error.mdl, the list was created “by scanning the moderation lists of several community leaders for friend requests sent and received before December 5th, 2017, minus Steam users”.

However, recent events, including the creation of this world, as well as the implementation of the “Trust and Safety” system, inspired many others to get back into VRChat after the app, as well as its community, went through a stage that was considered an actual crisis. For example, TechnoPrizm who is known for his VRChat documentaries announced that he is getting back to creating more content for his channel. “This is a VRChat Documentaries video,” ScrinnodStudios said in our “VRChat Videos” channel, “but unlike others, this one is more on the whole thing, it’s not on a person, but rather on VRChat itself.”

As of now, the New Old Hub isn’t public yet, as it’s still work in progress. However, last week, some users spent most of their free time in it as the primary hangout place, and some of those who played VRChat earlier than the vast majority of the modern community may still be found in there, probably due to the fact the originals seem to be interested in this world more than anybody else.

As far as we know, WhyNotRight spent about 80 hours in the same instance of the New Old Hub without turning off his headset, even when it received new updates, which caused a few minor sync issues with time.

WhyNotRight (“Cat Mob”) hanging out in the New Old Hub.