Cheeki Breeki:
Beta Testers Gain Ability to Squat
by Pan Diman
Crouching user in VRChat Beta. Picture by Pan Diman.
With the new release of Beta, another set of upcoming features is now open to everyone. This time, the new client will allow desktop users to crouch or prone by pressing a single button on their keyboard.
This revolutionary feature was suggested almost a year ago by LazP on the VRChat Canny site, but the developers must have started working on it only after the same feature was requested by different people several times and those requests got upvoted by dozens of other users. Also, non-VR users will now be able to crawl, even though crawling animations may still need to be worked on.
“Yeah, they probably had to change up the IK and possibly the animations a little to add crouch/prone for desktop,” said Rokk. “I'm glad they implemented this feature actually, seems nice to be less limited as a desktop user.”
Those who attended classic VRChat events should know about “Squats with Doublegoose and Ghoster, and if the planets align, sometimes Darren”. With the limitless possibilities of crouching, even more desktop users may now join Doublegoose. “The event is still very much active,” he said. “Desktop users have always been allowed to join. We can't really see what they are doing, but if they wanna feel free to squat along looking at their monitor, they are very much welcome to.”
Another change in the Beta client is the new loading screen. Just like many other games, our platform’s loading screen will now contain random tips telling users how to win in VRChat by not getting banned. As far as we’ve been told, it also suggests visiting friends in active worlds, which once again means the new screen is going to be much more dynamic than the old one. So far, the feedback in regards to the updated loading screen is quite positive, and many users are already waiting for the changes to reach the main client.
In order to help the VRChat development team release the upcoming changes in the main client as soon as possible, feel free to test the VRChat Beta and share your feedback on Canny.
New loading screen. Image by Desunyan.