The Dish Better Served Hot:


by Pan Diman

Leaf blower created with Udon and presented by @momothemonster on Twitter.

After almost 2 years in development, the long- awaited VRChat-exclusive toolkit called Udon has finally reached the official Closed Alpha stage, according to VRChat developers.

Some of our insiders confirmed that Udon was being worked on long ago, however, VRChat decided to take their time before releasing an official addition to their SDK. And now that it’s been months since the company revealed their (a bit too) optimistic plans for the future, they widened the circle of Closed Alpha testers to over 100 participants total.

As most may already know, Udon is VRChat’s very own toolkit meant to function as a substitute for custom scripting in VRChat. With the Closed Alpha, users started to share pictures and videos of content they produced with Udon. Some of the commonly-known examples are cooking systems, audio visualizers, and even something as amazing, yet simple, as a rotating cube created by one of the developers.

If you want to take a deeper look at other media resources, use the #MadeWithUdon tag on Twitter to see what some of the Alpha testers have made so far (trust me, it’s a little more impressive than Tupper’s spinning cube).


Actual leaked footage of content created with Udon: rotating cube by Tupper.