Virtually Optimized:

Avatars Created with 256 Polygons

by Pan Diman

256Fes in VRChat.

Since Virtual Market, not a lot of major things happened in VRChat, however, last month, the Japanese community created another event that became somewhat popular even beyond the realms of VRChat.

For the past couple of months, #256fes has been one of the most popular newest VRChat-related tags on Twitter, next to only a few, such as #playervscharacter. “256Fes” is an event and a challenge requiring participants to create avatars with no more than 256 polygons and a 256x256 texture. Even though the meetup has been conducted this May in a world “256 AfterParty,” some are still creating new content for the challenge, sometimes not even for VRChat.

In the end, 256Fes proved that it may be possible to create fancy (and sometimes highly unoptimized) avatars with less than a few hundred polygons. However, it also proved that great optimization doesn’t always help much since some visitors claimed to have low framerate during the event with 60 people in the same instance anyway.