Voluntary Assignment:

Creator Leaves VRChat for Volunteering

by Pan Diman

Last screenshot of PhaxeNor taken and submitted by Lakuza.

On October 3rd, PhaxeNor, one of the leading content creators on the “VRC Prefabs” Discord server, announced that he is going on a long trip in order to help other people in need around the world.

“I am volunteering abroad to help others in need and will be leaving tomorrow (in 9 hours from this message was sent),” he told everyone in his announcement. “It was a difficult decision but had to be made quick. I really do enjoy helping others and this is something I want to do.”

According to the information we received from him, PhaxeNor will be gone for approximately three months, and it looks like he won’t be able to maintain communication with us until January of next year.

“I will be spending my last few hours in VR and probably won't read this chat that much, so if you are on, feel free to drop by,” PhaxeNor mentioned in the same message he posted for his announcement in the server. ”So when I come back I expect to see awesome stuff made by this community and hopefully good updates for the application.”

So far, it’s hard to predict what kind of updates are currently planned for VRChat, and there’s a very high chance that most things about the app aren’t going to change at all, as the long-awaited features have been promised to come to the platform for months, and some of them have been “planned” for over a year.

However, after VRChat’s last official meeting, something changed about the developers’ approach as they started to join random public instances. In order to clear things up, Tupper explained, “We are going to visit more public instances now to let people know people what’s happening.”

Either way, we are looking forward to seeing what comes next, as well as PhaxeNor’s return in a few months from now, which, hopefully, won’t occur during the rise of yet another January meme.

Tupper handing out with ????? in a public world.