Community Evolved:

Survival of the Weirdest

by Pan Diman

Pictures submitted by Vard, Nixie, and Written.

This week, some new worlds and creatures appeared in VRChat. The most considerable one seems to be by MrTurkleton, which is a penguin transformer made of penguins. The creator calls it “Vardotron”, and it seems to be a reference to Vard, known for his regular penguin avatar.

Next on our list is Nixie who managed to clone himself and launch 14 VRChat clients at the same time. While being present at the scene, our reporter said, “I’m there, and it sounds demonic.”

And last but not least, Lucifer MStar made a bizarre McDonald’s world for some reason. After seeing this, our lead editor said, “I think a part of me needed that in my life.”

Meanwhile, VRChatters are preparing for the Halloween contest which should be open for submissions until October 21st. If you want to participate, feel free to use this QR code to read the official rules.