A Chat With No Name:

New Username Changing System

by Pan Diman

Name yourself properly, not like this fellow captured by Advert-chan.

Attention, all epic VRChat gamers! The developers of VRChat Inc. are going to allow you to change your name, but before you can finally do that, we’ll need a better system that they’re working on right now.

As you may have recalled, on November 10th, Tupper and his gang made a small announcement on their officially epic VRChat Discord server. The message he posted on public mentioned a new way to change your name without sending emails to support@vrchat.com, and then the message got edited. Surely, they just needed some time to get rid of a few bugs, it’s all work in progress.

But here’s the catch, folks, the name you choose for your VRChat account will have to remain unchanged for the period of no less than 3 months, or 90 days, to be more precise. On top of that, you need to remember that your VRChat name isn’t the same as the one you’re going to use as your login username, which has been bound to your account since the day you signed up.

Now, listen, if you’re a Steam user and you haven’t upgraded your account yet, of course, you may be thinking things are going to get complicated. But trust me, nothing’s gonna bring you into more trouble than staying behind everybody else in the community.

Getting a VRChat account? Pfft, it’s not hard! All you’ve got to do is send VR Pill your private VRChat token that you can generate in your settings so you can use it on the website later. Just between you and me, if you’re reading this on my website right now, you should use this link to get there as soon as possible. And again, all you have to do is enter your VRChat login name, your password, and only then, after you have generated the code in your settings, you should enter the token to gain the power of the true epic VR gamer with full access to the VRChat membership once and for all.

So, they’re still working on the system, but as soon as they bring it back, you’ve got to be quick! If you still want a better name, keep an eye on their Discord, and do it ASAP before something goes wrong again!

New instructions on how to upgrade your account to gain VRChat membership.