Adventure Time Is Over:

Nagzz Quits VRChat Adventures

by Pan Diman

Picture of Joey Bagels taken by Sad Cat.

On September 19th, Joey Bagels, also known as Nagzz21 on YouTube, made and published a video called “This Is it...” on his channel, in which he claims to have quit his very own original “VRChat Adventures” series.

During his announcement, Nagzz21 encouraged viewers to unsubscribe from him, “VRChat Adventures — they’re done… Unsubscribe, go. I hate to see you go, and I really appreciate everything you’ve done for me, but go.” On the other hand, he wanted people to stay for more content, which could mean that there is still more to come. “If you’re here for me, and the content, this beautiful community, then stay, please stay.”

According to many users who joined VRChat in August and September of 2017, they decided to experience VRChat on their own after watching some of the very first viral VRChat videos created by Nagzz21, including “Weird House Party in Virtual Reality”, the oldest video on his channel that is currently open to the public.

“Yeah, that's one of the things I like most about Nagzz,” Squishy said before the latest announcement got published. “The way he came into this as very much an outsider to internet/gamer/weeb culture, and yet just dived in and embraced whatever came with an always positive attitude.”

However, Nagzz21 isn’t going to stop producing VRChat content. According to the statement, he keeps making movies and shows in VRChat as something original that hasn’t been done in the same way before. “That’s what it all started from: it’s [building] friendships, fun, and beauty — all together, and that’s what this community is about.”

After running the series for over one year, Nagzz21 is getting close to reaching 20 million views on his channel just from people watching his VRChat videos.

Even though many users, such as Matsix, Adame, Arranging Stars, haven’t been in “VRChat Adventures” for months, Nagzz21 is going to publish two season finale episodes before ending the series, possibly forever.

Screenshot of Matsix published by MoshiMoshi.