Friday Night Live:

VRChat Gets Into Twitch Streaming

by Pan Diman

Tupper and Gunter hosting the show.

With the big update that got released on December 11th, VRChat officially migrated to Unity 2017. And while most things remain unchanged, VRC updated their page on Steam, as well as got one on the Oculus Store.

During their recent Twitch stream (covered in the following article), VRChat mentioned that new features are available to users, however, certain things, such as the Unity Timeline, will not be available any time soon because it might potentially put players’ safety at risk, although it is something they are currently looking into for the updates in the not-too-distant future.

However, despite the hype and many events that happened lately, Tupper mentioned that VRChat will never support Unity 2018.1. It happened a few days ago when he left a comment to clear things up and let us know why they marked a post Called “Upgrade to Unity 2018.1” as “Complete”, which almost obviously looks like VRChat is lying about what’s going on.

“To be clear, we wouldn't ever upgrade to Unity 2018.1. It isn't an LTS,” he explained on Canny. “We didn't want to close the Canny as that isn't really accurate... and completing it isn't great either. Either way it doesn't matter— we won't be upgrading to 2018.1 specifically, ever. Now, once 2018 has an LTS version…”

Apparently, we’ll have to wait until the release of the Unity 2018 LTS (long-term support), which may potentially happen within the following half a year or so. For example, according to information on Unity’s official website, the 2017 LTS version was released on March 20th of this year. However, Unity 2017.4 was also the first version of the engine to feature LTS, which means that maybe, just maybe, they might release 2018 LTS even sooner than we could expect.

Needless to say, as it was mentioned earlier, further upgrades to newer versions of the Unity LTS should go much smoother, even compared to the transition between 5.6 and 2017 that we already experienced this month.