Let’s Go Party:

User Breaks Records as a Party Legend

by Pan Diman

SPOONPAI, image taken from a video on his YouTube channel.

Users with full body tracking are well-known for dedication to entertainment, but only a few of them, such as SPOONPAI, provide our community with regular parties.

Apparently, he’s been organizing his parties since December, 2017. MisterJerome said, “He’s always hosting parties, like, almost everyday.” Later, Jerome also added, “He made the Re:Zero map as well.”

We asked users to tell their thoughts and opinions in regards to SPOONPAI’s parties, and PhaxeNor replied, “I really enjoy them. Especially the Friday night ones.” Eventually, Oclac responded to our question as well, “Aw yea— It’s that fella. If he sees it, the parties were dope, doing good work.”

However, Spoonpai isn’t the first person who started hosting relatively big parties and events. As we know, one of the first big hosts was ElectroSwinger. Speaking of which, another user who organized big events of 2017 was SonicTheBoss8472, although he hosted them only a few times before VRChat became much more popular.

According to ElectroSwinger, one time he spent 18 hours partying in a single VRChat session non-stop. Right now, he’s busy dealing with real-life obligations, but he’s going to be back around December. “Well, I am hoping to throw a New Year’s party in VRChat with a theme of original VRC worlds,” he said. “So will be making stops by the Old Hub and other places well-known in the community that has been around a little bit. Outside of VRChat, I try and make everyday a party, but a few of us from VRC are going to meet up in Las Vegas for EDC, May 17–19, 2019. I hope to see many of the people that i know from VRC and would like to throw out an invite to everyone that likes to party in VRC to meet up there. I am starting a Discord up for it.”

If you come to VRChat for parties, music, dancing, or just public hangouts in general, make sure to check out Spoonpai on Twitch and wait until ElectroSwinger comes back before his party on New Year’s Eve.

ElectroSwinger and his crew, one of the pictures by The Inner Wolf and RainRuby.