Another Reboot:

Developer Meetups Have Changed

by Pan Diman

Community Meetup in VR Pill’s “Seinfield’s Appartment”. Screenshot taken by Sakuukuli.

This month, Squid’s “Developer Meetup” was split into two different events, “World Feedback” and “Community Meetup”, which is “pretty much the exact same thing”, according to the organizer.

“Basically, these events are every other week,” CyanLaser explained on February 17th. “Last week was Community Meetup. This week is World Feedback. Next week is Community Meetup again.”

Apparently, most things will remain the same, and both events will be hosted on Sundays at 9 PM GMT, except “Community Meetups” may be open to everyone and won’t be limited to invite-only and invite+ instances from now on, although ”World Feedback” should be limited to 20 users per session.

“Community Meetup is basically what the old developer [meetup] was,” CyanLaser continued. “Map creators showing off their map. World Feedback is about people wanting [to test] and get help for their world so it has a player limit. This will allow people to actually get real feedback.”