Memory of the Past:

User Provokes 2017 Nostalgia

by Pan Diman

Latest picture of Fez in Classic Gaia Night.

A user named Fez is fighting for community awareness by coming to the Classic Gaia Night world by Zeon to remind users what VRChat used to be like in 2017.

In order to achieve his goal, Fez comes to the Classic Gaia Night every day, sits in front of the bonfire, and stays in this position while keeping a “Join Me” status for as long as possible, which slightly helps Gaia Night regain a bit of its popularity once again. Additionally, Fez always wears a Nikei avatar, commonly known for the “Custom Avatar” meme, which got initiated by Zeon about 4 years ago.

Although Fez seems to be inactive during this procedure and claims to be “mentally exhausted since 2017,” his actions had a positive impact on the world’s status. He said, “Seeing a fully populated Gaia Night does put a smile on my face.”