Grand Theft Avatar 2:

The List

by Pan Diman (please don’t ban me)

Zer0, one of our regular users. Picture posted by Zer0.

Last week, a list of VRChat avatars got published. The mysterious list seems to be some sort of a reference to the avatars that might have been stolen by different hackers.

It appears that the text file was posted by an anonymous user on Pastebin. The list contains thousands of names for avatars created by various users. Several admins of different community Discord servers already informed their groups about what happened, and now there are different thoughts and rumors being spread across the web.

Some people are saying this is a fake list made by the hackers in order to frighten regular users, others think this is a list someone stole from the hackers and shared with the rest to trace them down.

Last Thursday, Rokk shared his assumption in the “Avatars" channel, “I don't think public avatars are the only ones on that stolen list, I just think that having an avatar public exponentially increases the chances that a hacker will see it."

Some users get frustrated whenever they see others “stealing" their avatars. For example, last Sunday, Zer0 was saying how much he hated other people using similar avatars to his. Eventually, he became uncontrollably toxic and forced the moderators to ban him. After that, however, Zer0 went to Reddit and published screenshots of what seems to be five different users looking suspiciously similar to him.

It’s probably worth the notice that the list doesn’t seem to contain any names of hackers, so the search for modders goes on, and if you find anything suspicious that might count as violation of the rules, as always, make sure you send your report to our moderators. If you want to visit the form right now, feel free to scan this QR code.

Among other news, we know that Moddex got banned once again, but it certainly seems like he doesn’t have any connections with the hackers. Whatever the reason is, he’s not happy with it, and so are his fans.

Moddex, screenshot published by Moddex.