“Za Warudo”:

Worlds Possessed

by Bizarre Bugs

by Pan Diman

HentaiGames frozen during the time stop. Picture by Pan Diman.

Over the past couple of weeks, more content creators noticed a bug breaking instances so hard that user experience in their worlds went out of boundaries of acceptable in a matter of seconds.

You may still remember that creator of the Courtroom said he was working on a new update that should have gone public last week. However, Pan Diman said the world got broken several weeks ago, and he spent the last 18 days searching for objects causing this issue.

HentaiGames and I figured out the problem occured every time the Master/Owner left the instance,” Pan Diman said. “At this point, making the world public would be suicidal for its reputation, and I know for sure that Courtroom has to be public. Otherwise, it’s going to become just another world someone spent too much time on to see it getting completely forgotten in a matter of days.”

The bug mentioned in this case brings a whole lot of troubles to the instance for everyone left in it as soon as the Master leaves. The most common result is not being able to interact with any triggers whatsoever, and it gets even worse because no one is able to drop any portals, the Master can’t rejoin his recently abandoned instance, and in some cases desync is so huge it looks like the time has been stopped completely.

Unfortunately, even some of the most experienced users said they couldn’t find the solution. Just recently, CyanLaser replied, “I just had the issue were the master leaving killed the instance. At least my world was small enough that I might be able to figure out the reason.”

On top of that, Waai! confirmed that they also had a similar problem, “I think I've experienced the same or a similar issue with VRC_Triggers breaking world instances, preventing players from dropping portals. I'm not sure what the cause is but I suspect it started happening after the June 12th update.”

If you want to visit the Courtroom, even though it’s going to remain private for a while, you may get access to it through various worlds with required portals, such as Virtual Week-ality and V.R.P.D. Head Quarters.

Portal to the Courtroom. Screenshot by Pan Diman.