Big Talk:

New Voice Chat Update

by Pan Diman

Ron (on the right), recorded by Amish Doink.

According to VRChat developers, the upcoming live version update is going to bring more “crazy” audio features, which, hopefully will bring more variety to the content in VRChat.

Last week, on July 19th, while Pokelawls (AKA Amish Doink) was streaming his return to VRChat on the same day he got his Index controllers, Ron appeared on the stream and said, “Next week, there’s gonna be a whole new version of VRChat with better audio, spacial, LPF, megaphones, walkie talkies, also some crazy s*** going to be going on with the audio. Also, we’re gonna do a […] Twitch stream, me and Tupper.”

It is currently unknown if megaphones and walkie talkies are going to be provided to us by VRChat directly, or if Ron exaggerated our expectations once again, but for now, all we know is, with the new update, players are expected to be given new tools that should let content creators produce worlds with custom objects allowing users to experience voice chat on longer distances.