“You’re My Favorite One”:

“Favorite” Worlds Coming Soon

by Pan Diman

Upcoming “Favorite” category. Screenshot by Sheppard98.

After almost a year of requests, discussions, and announcements, followed by a short tease, the long-awaited favorite worlds seem to have been released this week in the VRChat Beta client.

We’re reminding you that Ron Millar already mentioned working on this feature multiple times. Last time he revealed the details about “Favorite” worlds was on April 24th, “Recent worlds, favorite worlds and favorite friends are all being worked on,” he said. “Should be out in a coming release.”

Some people already received access to VRChat Beta after entering a specific code on Steam, and the features from the Beta client should get available to the rest soon enough.

Everyone in VRChat will be able to mark worlds as their favorites, and choosing your personal favorites, obviously enough, is up to you, but since VRChat is a social platform, the vast majority of our community is probably going to choose common places for their social groups for this category. Last Wednesday, after Hanta asked people what their favorite worlds are, Tidus responded by saying, “My favorite world is where all my friends are.”

Speaking of updates, Gunter made an important announcement on his last episode of his talk shown known commonly as “Gunter’s Universe,” and stated that the Hunt is currently postponed.

“We're taking a mid-season break,” he said. “We've done a lot of content, a lot of great content. We're gonna take a break and we're going to beef up the next (last) stage in the Hunt and the finale, the Grand Finale.”

It seems that the main reason why the last stage of the Hunt got delayed is poor optimization, but this probably happened because of the recent client updates, and we know that VRChat team is working hard on implementing new features these days.

So, the Hunt isn’t over just yet. You can still take part in it by completing all the puzzles that should be public now, and if you want to know more about the event, make sure you scan the QR code presented on this page.

“Team behind ‘The Hunt’” from Gunter’s Universe.