Vive la Révolution:

Vive Users Becoming VR Peasants

by Pan Diman

Users adapting to the movement system. Image by kraken1122.

As soon as VRChat got rid of the horrible audio glitch with the last week’s update, we received a new problem that still has to be fixed, and it’s the new Vive movement system.

“Ironically, Vive users used to be the high-end part of VR, and not just VRChat,” Pan Diman stated this week. “However, now, even with the full-body tracking, Vive users are now considered as ‘peasants’ in our community while they have no other choice but to suffer from the new movement.” With that being said, as far as it seems true, we may actually call this new system revolutionary.

Recently, VRChat got another update that was meant to improve the movement once again, and Tupper published the latest release notes regarding the movement tweaks, “Pressing the trackpad down a second (or subsequent times) will no longer stop your movement. Lift your thumb from the pad to stop movement. Center deadzone is slightly larger to help with fist gesture.”

However, yet again, it received more negative feedback. Tektah commented on the new Vive movement system, ”I hate it. It's awful.” In response to that, PFC Parts said, “The old movement system for Vive was a ploy by HTC to get us to buy more controllers since our trackpads would die.” According to Advert-chan, the developers are looking into it, but there is no info on when it will be released.

However, it’s not completely bad. On a more constructive note, during the discussion of the latest Vive movement system in one of our Discord channels, Trigshot explained his own opinion, “I'm torn between the old controls and the new. I like the ability to have a gesture while moving, but I really dislike the fact that gestures revert back to default when I remove my finger. I have gestures that play music and people get really upset when my fingers slip off my pad and the music stops.”

In the meantime, we would like to remind you that a new SDK was released, so you absolutely have to keep it up to date in case you’re going to upload custom worlds and avatars in the future.

Desktop user representing what used to be the lower VR class. Screenshot by Dougue.