White Wedding:

Xiruo Married Her Feet

by Pan Diman

Image of the newly-married couple taken from RagingFace’s video on YouTube.

According to Kakureta, the wedding of Xiruo and Feet took place in a VRChat church on November 14th. It seems like this is the first wedding in VRChat with pretty much everything related to a wedding, including a church, a pastor, special avatars, multiple guests, etc.

“We started ‘planning’ it a few weeks before the 14th of November so we could get the chance to invite everyone and know more or less who would be present,” Xiruo said. “We wondered for a bit if we had to make it private or public, but decided to keep it private. We thought that at most 20 people would show up, but we ended up with around 40 people,and I had to increase the limit on the church map so we could be able to get everyone in. Honestly, everything went great, and even better than expected!”

We’re reminding you that one of the first weddings in VRChat was the ceremony of Polecat and WhyNotRight’s marriage, although it appears they’re not together anymore. If you really want to check out the latest wedding, we suggest watching Kakureta’s YouTube video on his channel.

However, the wedding met some issues as well. During the interview, Feet said, “The wedding was a little awkward at first, since the things we did half-plan all fell through, especially with the silent priest and his translator, but thankfully Magnanix saved the day by being the priest. We had also planned to go to another custom map created by Xiruo to do the afterparty/celebration, but it was a bit laggy, so we just went to the 80's dance event (world). It was somehow a huge success — and I'm really glad to have married Xiruo.”

Guests taking their seats in the church. Image from a YouTube video by Kakureta.