New Order:

Controversial Rules and Trust Issues

by Pan Diman

QR code leading you to the “Medium” page mentioned in the announcement by Tupper.

Last Friday, a message about the newest so-called “Trust System” was published on the official VRChat Discord server as an official announcement from the developers of our social platform.

Because of the lack of information, the announcement received some of the most negative responses VRChat team has ever received throughout the lifetime of their social platform.

Regardless of the reaction, the administration cannot share any major details on how the system works, or otherwise they should expect the users to abuse the rules as long as they have enough information to do that.

“I think the trust system is going to be based on number of friends and number of people who blocked you don't think it's going to be based on hours much,” e-lady said on Discord.

It is already known, according to the rumors, that there are several groups targeting specific individuals by sending multiple reports accusing them of violating VRChat's terms of agreement, so anyone might be left with skeptical opinions on whom they could trust or if they could trust anyone at all. “Trust no one, not even your own hentai folder,” Nostradamus said earlier. “I bet there is an FBI agent hiding in there right now.”

There are multiple suggestions and discussions regarding the “Trust System,” and even ZONE, AKA ZONE-SAMA, a famous pornographic Flash artist, replied in the “Feature Requests” channel, “Someone posted this in response to the official Tweet about the new Trust System and I think it sounds like a good idea: ‘Why don't you take this "Trust System" and turn it into an option in the settings instead. Users could filter avatars based on account standing setting and forget the content filter altogether. It's not that different than blocked avatars but still allows you to meet people.’”

However, the system only affects the ability to upload custom content, and users should feel more safe, since it’s going to make things complicated for griefers and crashers, whether people like the changes or not.

Image of ZONE taken from his/her Twitch stream.