Tracking Alternative:

New Trackers Reach $250,000 in 12 Minutes

by Pan Diman

Image of a new tracker by Tundra Labs on their Kickstarter page.

A new company called Tundra Labs enters the market with their first consumer version of an alternative to HTC’s Vive trackers considered as the primary product used for full-body tracking.

According to the information on the “Tundra Tracker” project’s Kickstarter page, it received over $1,000,000 (USD) pledged of the $250,000 goal, which has been reached in only 12 minutes after the page went live on March 29th.

It seems the competition between Tundra Labs and HTC selling their newest version of trackers has already made a significant impact on the VR hardware market, although HTC may still be the only provider of the more unique products, such as the Vive Facial Tracker, which got released on March 24th and can already be used in Neos VR.