“Huggi Despacito Series 2”:

Big Sister’s Creator Made a New Sequel

by Pan Diman

Screenshot of the new HDS world taken by Pan Diman.

A content creator known as Officialsayon spent the last few weeks spamming with announcements about their “HDS - Big Brother's Hideout Part 2” world on our Discord server.

According to Sayon (OfficialSayon on Discord), “HDS” stands for “Huggi Dungeon Series”, and it’s a sequel to their previous world in the series called “HDS Big Sister’s Dungeon Part 1”.

We asked the creator for explanations that could be used as a potential description of the world for those who aren’t familiar with the original series. The reply turned out to be a bit more dramatic than descriptive, “A world of surprises, [emotions] and fear. A world where the Evergreen Family is born and you as a bystander will witness the ugly truth. The wealthy and famous family [is] known for one trait in particular, their mutated ears. However, the oldest son, the [firstborn], was unlucky enough to have no mutated ears. This led to agony, betrayal and... Murder...”

It seems that this is a puzzle world where players have to solve a horror-themed murder mystery of some sort, and a lot of users should be familiar with the first part of the series, so the idea behind the quest should be already known to them.

In order to keep the tension, OfficialSayon added a few more sentences to the response in a form of “Big Brother’s” speech, “If you are strong enough and are willing to know the truth, please feel free to visit this world... But I will tell you, once you enter my domain... You'll be mine…”

Unfortunately, we didn’t get enough information for a sneak peek, since the author wanted to keep as many details in secret as possible in order not to spoil the story, and the problem is, there was so little information given that it’s hard to explain what the world is all about, but it looks like it shouldn’t be an issue for those who already went through Part 1 of the “Huggi Dungeon Series”.

According to the credits, a lot of work was put into the project. So, if you are looking for a dark horror world filled with some “Scooby-Doo” type of action, maybe you should check out Officialsayon’s world.

Entrance in the original “Huggi Dungeon Series” world, picture taken by Pan Diman.