Grand Master Chef:

Last Contest’s Winner Becoming a Sensei

by Pan Diman

Master Chef himself. Image submitted by jetdog8808.

This week wasn’t really full of huge news. However, we know that something cool happens all the time, and in this case we’re taking a look at jetdog8808, also known as the winner of the Halloween Contest for the scariest world in VRChat. As a reward for his hard work, jetdog8808 received his first VR headset, HTC Vive, valued at $599, three Vive Trackers, valued at $297, and the most important thing, an HTC Vive VR Cover, valued at $20.

However, Jet (or jetdog8808) didn’t stop on the achieved. After his huge success and winning the contest, he decided to write a book (sort of), but he’s not selling out yet, so there's no need to worry about it at the moment.

Recently, Jet presented his tutorial in the “VRC Traders” Discord. “I just wrote it and I’m looking for anything I should add or change in it,” he said. “I’ll wait a couple of days getting as much feedback as I can, then make an official release.” If you want to check out Jet’s progress so far, feel free to use the following QR code.

“I'm a 3D modeler who likes creating worlds and I hope one day to make a living doing this,” Jet said. “In my time in VRChat I've met a lot of creators from professionals to beginners. Recently, with VRChat getting a lot of attention, a lot more people have been joining creating worlds but don't know how to get their world optimized for good performance. So I decided to make a simple tutorial (or document) giving the basic things to look out for better performance.”

So, if you’re relatively new to creating your own worlds, make sure to check out jetdog8808’s guide for good tips, and if you think that you’re already experienced enough, feel free to tell Jet what he should add to his tutorial in order to help others provide VRChat with even more great worlds in the future.

Winners of the Halloween Contest in jetdog8808’s world. Screenshot by VR Pill.