Ban Hammering:

Moderation Against Humanity?

by Pan Diman

AAMBIENTT. Image provided by AAMBIENTT.

Today, VRChat's consumer base is growing faster than ever, but with great crowding comes great responsibility, and the only way to stop unpleasant people from ruining others’ experience is moderation. However, not everyone seems to be pleased with its results.

Recently, several users reported that they got banned due to unknown circumstances, including a user called AAMBIENTT who mentioned that he got banned while he was sleeping in VR. “I was banned for ‘stalking another player,’” AAMBIENTT said. “I was in my own world when I was banned for a good 13 hours. I fell asleep in VRChat in my own world with 3 of my friends, and when I woke up, I got banned.”

As you may know, the most well-known VRChat moderators who work a lot on in-app public relations are VR Pill and Gunter. Aevroze mentioned recently, “The report system works well and VRPill or Gunter have always shown up quickly in the times when I've needed them.” However, later he added, “If I had one comment to make, it's that moderation has been tough lately. A group of users have made it a goal to be annoying without explicitly breaking the rules. I imagine that's tough to deal with from a staff standpoint, but I figure they're aware and working to fix it... The team is probably slammed with work.

Meanwhile, AAMBIENTT stays unsatisfied with the outcome. “It’s honestly ridiculous that they do it. Most of the time, without warning, mods ban people, whether they did something or not,” he commented. “I want to be known when I say this, moderation is ruining VRChat.” “We take moderation very seriously,” Gunter said earlier.

”We do the best we can to investigate all reports. When we receive a report, the person in question is not automatically guilty, we don't just take someone's word.”

So far, the only explanation that seems to be more or less reasonable belongs to Airwalker who assumed that AAMBIENTT got banned for snoring too loud while sleeping. Hopefully, this conflict will be resolved soon.

VR Pill and Gunter. Pictures by Pan Diman.