Stream Till You’re Dead:

Longest VR Streams In VRChat

by Pan Diman

Amish Doink’s current avatar. Image from Pokelawls’ stream.

VRChat is well-known due to streamers and local celebrities, and every single one of them is special and unique in their own way. Lately, one of the most “extra special” things happening on Twitch was a 20-hour stream by Pokelawls (also known as Amish Doink).

The streamer reported being exhausted after it, “I felt so sleep deprived, started feeling so immersed ‘cause of it, LMAO.” When we asked if he was going to make similar streams, he replied, “I want to yes.” After the stream, Pokelawls tweeted out the information regarding his stream that has been seen by more than 431 thousand viewers on Twitch. “This is absolutely insane,” he said.

However, what Poke mentioned later sounded even more impressive, “I’m pretty sure SHIFTIN96 has been rapping on VRChat in VR for 40 hours straight... What the ****, he really is an alien.” Recently, we asked Shifty (also known as shiftin96 on Twitch) about him and his activity in VRChat, to which he replied, “Hell ya, I stayed up for days rapping — about 10–12 videos I need to cut and paste together, haven’t learned video editing like a boss yet, but I will, my dood.” According to Shifty, he was rapping for 40 hours without any sleep. If you want to check out his streams, feel free to use the provided QR code.

Later, during the interview, Shifty told us more about himself. “When I was half my age, I made maps for Quake 3 and have done tons of mods, then I went to school, worked forever,“ he said, “but that’s my passion, exploring new worlds and helping communities build brick by brick, I’m in construction engineering, so I know how much work goes into every building in 2D, 3D, VR, or reality. Developer package coming soon, lots of hype in this room. I better stop before I start raps.”

Shifty (also known as shiftin96). Image taken from Poke’s stream.