Don’t Text and Drive:

Texting and Avatar Chairs Coming "Soon"

by Pan Diman

In-app message, picture by Pan Diman.

Text messaging is finally possible in VRChat with the use of their official website and a brand new revolutionary technique of communication by typing on a keyboard that VRChat team must have discovered only recently.

It is known that users can send messages only to people on their friend list, but the feature is currently hidden, and in order to access it you need to go to one thing that “no one ever uses”, the VRChat website. Recently, odds gave us the instructions on the official VRChat Discord server, “Just go to the person’s profile on the site and add ‘/message’ to the end of the link.”

But the system was discovered much earlier. Last Tuesday, Hakanai said, “There sort of is [a message system]. Yesterday, 3 of my friends figured out how to use it at around the same time, almost as if someone released a tool for it.” After that, Lyuma explained, “There's no way to reply from within VRChat yet: it just shows an ‘OK’ button. Also, I'm hoping it limits messages to friends...”

However, one of the most anticipated additions was the return of avatar chairs that used to be available to everyone due to an unforeseen mistake. Last Saturday, Ron made a surprising statement in the “VRChat General” channel, “Chairs are back in. Will be in a coming release.” Then he also said, “I like chairs on avatars a lot. It just needed a little more design and some better engineering before going wide in the wild. It's done internally.” According to Ron, the chairs will be back in “weeks, not months or years”.

Also, VRChat doesn’t lag on loading avatars anymore, and hackspanner confirmed that they’re working on the IK upgrade that should improve animations on avatars. But all of these updates are nothing compared to the fix everyone in VRChat has been looking forward to since they discovered the most annoying bug ever known to mankind.

In the changelog, they said, “Fixed a small graphical issue with the World Loading screen,” which means they finally fixed spacing on the VRChat loading screen literally everyone was probably aware of.

Old loading screen, screenshot by Pan Diman.