VRChat and Knuckles:

Devs Get Roasted for Slow Progress

by Pan Diman

Proof that Hackspanner can give us a hand.

On November 9th, VRChat posted a video of Knuckles controllers being used in VRChat. According to the developers, the hand presented in the video belongs to Hackspanner.

VRChat’s tweet received a lot of feedback from different users and already gained 3000 likes in just a few days. While many got excited because they saw something new and relatively fresh, others got disappointed since they noticed the developer could only use default gestures, such as “Rock 'n' Roll”, “Victory”, “Thumbs Up”, etc.

And yet, people think that Vive and Oculus Touch controllers aren’t going to be replaced with Knuckles in every aspect. “They're probably much better than [Knuckles] if you play a game where you hold a sword or a racket, but any other use is less immersive,” said Ruuubick. Also, as Jamie Vatarga mentioned, “From other videos of the [Knuckles] in other games, [it] looks like it's full range, and that's why you need to calibrate them to your hand.”

Eventually, after VRChat made a tweet, other VR developers noticed it and replied sooner than expected. For example, creator of Climbey, @TheShadowBrain, replied with a video of himself using Knuckles to show the accuracy that could be achieved, “Yo @VRChatNet this is what Knuckles implementations are supposed to roughly look like, none of that slow animation-based garbage.”

Later, Hackspanner posted a few replies to the comment, and they started to criticize each other until @TheShadowBrain said, “This script is roughly how my stuff works, I explained it to this dude and he refined it a bit for his open source tests: [link].”

The link mentioned above leads to an open-source code provided by MayBeTall on GitHub. Of course, it’s not easy to predict what the end result is going to look like, and nobody knows if VRChat is going to support a more suitable system for hand gestures in the future.

But for now, based on the video we’ve got, it’s a start, even though they’re probably going to focus on optimization, as the number of complaints about performance in VRChat is growing every day.

Knuckles controllers aren’t going to help users with broken fingers. Screenshot by Revlot.