Season Finale:

Mr. Whiskers Is Going to Die

by Pan Diman

Gunter recording the announcement.

It’s been more than half a year since the announcement of “The Hunt of Mr. Whiskers”, which started on April 1st. And now, at long last, the event is about to come to an end within the next week or two.

Some people mentioned they heard about the return of “The Hunt” only a few days before the final stage, and yet they keep questioning themselves why VRChat decided to do this only now. “This event has been going on for the better part of the year, but they just barely came back from hiatus,” Poplopo said last Thursday.

According to Gunter, it took them two years to organize the event. In one of his latest videos, he mentioned numbers of people they achieved with the “Mr. Whiskers” event, including about 30 teams registered, 1200 people on the Discord server, 1500 unique players, and at least 3000 submissions received from users.

Last time on “Gunter’s Universe”, the host named four teams of players who solved the puzzle first, and now they get to participate in the last stage of the event, which is going to remain closed until further notice. Their names will be highlighted on the leaderboard, but those who couldn’t make it should be able to access the final stage after the Hunt is over.

“The first four who complete this map will face off against Mr Whiskers next week and have the chance to win the great prize,” Gunter said before announcing the details. “The Showdown will be public after the final four have battled Mr Whiskers.” Later, during the announcement, he said, “The first four who complete this map will face off against Mr. Whiskers next week and have a chance to win the great prize!”

As far as we know, Oblivious and their team got to the end first. If you just want to see the last puzzle, feel free to check out DrEvilsin’s walkthrough.

During the show, Gunter also mentioned that someone uploaded a world called “Trial of the Golden Poo”. Apparently, Mr. Whiskers it the author, and, despite Gunter saying otherwise, it may be related to the event.

All weapon pieces collected and assembled, picture uploaded by TzoRunner.