Open Season:

New Seasonal Event in VRChat

by Pan Diman

Global leaderboard. Picture taken by Pan Diman.

According to our sources, there’s a new seasonal event in VRChat that started a week ago as a hunt for Easter eggs in a form of clues left by some sort of a cat who committed a crime by stealing an egg.

The cat is known by his name as Mr. Whiskers. As far as we know, he’s got a Twitter page he hasn’t updated in nearly a year. Nonetheless, the description on the page says, “Former Gunter's Universe co-host, VR Wizard, Benevolent Overlord, Well trained in Military Arms, Party Animal, Maestro of the Cowbell, Mild Diarrhea.”

The only important thing we know so far is that Mr. Whiskers visited Gunter during his talk show and somehow crashed his stream. After that, he stole “The Egg,” which is an incredibly powerful artifact, according to Gunter’s own words.

Seems like the incident that started on April 1st grew into a chain of smaller events with Mr. Whiskers “ruining” different worlds by leaving traces as results of extremely unethical behavior for some reason. If you go to “System Crash /// HUB,” you’ll see the scoreboard that seems to be related to the event.

A few days ago, Shimatsu said in the “Public Lobby” channel, “The MW mystery is haunting me. Tell us the answer. Or PM me instead please. I need to know.” Two minutes later, Zarniwoop responded, “All I know is Mr Whiskers is a naughty cat.”

Later, we asked Gunter about the details, but it looks like the only good thing Gunter found worth sharing was that Mr. Whiskers is an unpleasant person, and whatever we think he did in “Avatar Testing” and “The Winchester” worlds is certainly what he would do.

Aside from the whole event, it seems like one of a few mysteries remaining now is Mr. Whiskers’ real-life identity, as well as why he hasn’t been banned yet.

On the other hand, we know how terrible VRChat’s security is, so it probably doesn’t even surprise developers themselves that a hacker achieved this kind of power after snatching some "stupid" egg.

The egg. Image taken from Gunter’s Twitch stream.