Special Guests:

Special Kitsune Announcement

by FireWOLF109, Vulpes, and Pan Diman

Vulpes (left) and FireWOLF109 (right). Picture by Vulpes.

FireWOLF109 and Vulpes from the “Traveling Kitsunes" have got an important announcement to make. Ever since they started the series, their goal was to bring attention to the worlds that are often flooded out or overlooked that they thought that everyone would enjoy.

That being said, since they have started this series, a lot of people that read the articles have visited some of the worlds if not added them on their lists of worlds to visit.

”Due to the overwhelming support we’ve received from those who saw the series, I have decided to get you guys involved some,” FireWOLF109 said. “From here on out, if anyone has an “awoo-type” avatar, such as a kitsune, a dog girl, or a wolf girl (that isn't a furry), and wish to be a part of the ”Traveling Kitsunes” series, feel free to DM me on Discord (you can find me on VRChat's Discord server among others under the same name or the following: TK FireWOLF for a VRChat community or Smol Wolfy if you're on one of my personal servers), — and I'll try to have you on as a special guest.”

As you can see, the statement from the “Traveling Kitsunes” group was made for females only, which is why users who don’t have avatars according to the mentioned terms may suffer from gender discrimination.

Later, FireWOLF109 mentioned that he wasabsent for several weeks due to an incident. Recently, he said, “If for some reason I cannot be contacted (like, if my Internet lines get knocked down again), then feel free to try contacting Vulpes.”

If you want to read the latest “Traveling Kitsunes” article, check out another side of the newsstand for more details. Quote from the “Traveling Kitsunes”: “We would like to hear from you soon… And remember, follow the scent of adventure!"