Pumpkin Tart with Spider Web Topping

from ButterYum

makes 8-10 servings



    • 1 1/2 cups ginger snap cookie crumbs

    • 4 tablespoons butter, melted


    • 15 ounces canned 100% pure pumpkin (or equal amount of fresh cooked, pureed pumpkin)

    • 3/4 cup sweetened condensed milk

    • 2 egg yolks


    • 1 cup sour cream

    • 1/4 cup white granulated sugar

    • chocolate syrup (like Hershey's)


    1. Preheat oven to 350F, and have a 10-inch tart pan with removable bottom placed on a sheet pan or cookie sheet.

    2. Combine the ginger snap cookie crumbs and melted butter together until the mixture resembles wet sand and press into a 10-inch tart pan with removable bottom.

    3. Bake at 350F oven for 10 minutes; cool.

    4. In a medium bowl, combine the filling ingredients together and pour into cooled crust, using an offset spatula to spread into an even layer.

    5. Bake at 350F for 30 minutes; remove from oven and cool completely.

    6. While the tart is cooling, whisk together the sour cream and sugar

To make the filling:

Combine the filling ingredients together in a medium bowl; whisk to combine completely and pour into cooled crust. Use an offset spatula to spread the filling into an even layer. Bake at 350F for 30 minutes. Remove from oven and cool for an hour. Pour sour cream/sugar mixture on top of pumpkin layer; spread evenly. Draw several concentric circles of chocolate syrup on top of the sour cream topping, ending with a dot of syrup in the center of the tart. Make the spider web design by pulling a toothpick from the center dot of chocolate syrup out towards the crust; repeating until the web is complete. Chill until serving. To serve, remove the sides of the tart pan and place tart on cake plate. For professional looking slices, clean the knife between each cut.

Note: To make your own pumpkin puree, cut a small sugar pumpkin in half, scoop out the seeds, place cut side down on a sheet pan and roast in a 350F oven for about an hour, or until the flesh is buttery soft. Cool, scoop out flesh and puree in a food mill or food processor.

Make the topping by whisking the sour cream and sugar together; set aside until needed.