Old Fashioned Movie Theater Popcorn

from ButterYum

makes 8 cups


    • 1/4 cup popcorn kernels

    • 2 tablespoons unrefined coconut oil

    • finely milled popcorn salt to taste


    1. Place a 6-quart or larger stockpot over medium-high heat and melt coconut oil; add popcorn kernels in a single layer and cover with lid.

    2. When kernels start popping, start shaking stockpot from side-to-side until the popping nearly ends (slows considerably with long pauses between pops).

    3. Immediately remove stockpot from heat, uncover, and pour freshly popped popcorn into a large bowl.

    4. While the popcorn is still hot and steamy, sprinkle with popcorn salt; cover and shake well to distribute salt. Taste and adjust as needed.