

"A flower bud, opening up in fast-forward on film, gives the impression of exploding.

Suddenly, you can witness a lavish display of the most magnificent colors or shapes.

When using 'explosion' for life's blooming, forget violent or negative connotations.

My colors and shapes are reflected in all that is. They erupt in surprising freshness.

Life as such hasn't one scratch or dot of an unpleasantness for anything or anyone.

Life's composition is solely based on My principles, in spite of what earth portrays.


"You learn proper use of your hands or mind by following general, inborn manuals.

Following information available in your spirit will lead to an all-around efficiency.

Only uses leading to more beauty are positive investments of any time or energy.

The building of life, the universal edifice, reverberates in harmony in all sections,

not automatically, but as result of the voluntary effort of its proud constituents.

Perfecting beauty keeps all juices going for advancing, both externally or within.


"When you sleep or withdraw from action, life, like time, does not stop but moves on.

As a human entity, you make up your mind in which direction you like to go or grow.

Your deep yearnings can surprise you. It is good to look at them with an open mind.

You're free to sabotage progress to more fulfillment-for-more-people-all-the time.

As these words indicate, this will amount to ignoring reality and missing the boat.

Siding with negatives sets you back; spiritually you'll crumble; mentally you shrink.


"No true progress is made when diverse interests are clashing, however subtly.

Yet, love'll provide the tools for healthy cooperation and for positive surprises.

Just the desires for something negative, as it occurs on earth, will crack purity.

Still, eternity throbs, perhaps feebly, in every desire aimed at goodness for all.

Positive is what comes out of Our daily meetings. It will lubricate your engine.

Whatever your background or tools, Our personal contact builds momentum.


"The structure of all life follows the way I function and not the other way around.

People can create gods in their finest image or project heavens as new paradise.

In a way, they're right. How could you not use human images for Me? I'll do that.

Yet, your seventh ingredient warns to not fetishize any 'divine' image or symbol.

Eternity occurs today; it changes. I am always new and more. I am not stagnant.

If you wish a world of justice, health and beauty, My nature stands as its model.


"Only in the realm of the negative state are behaviors like clinging to the past.

You don't believe that lasting joy comes from adding to what is already great?

Yet, so is true progress, growing in stature and volume, spreading more bliss.

Your ancestors followed a course away from Me. You can reverse it any time.

Any time your spirit can turn to Me for enlightenment and for radiating light.

All over, closeness to Me equals graciously unfolding in solidity and in caring.


"What does it mean to be an integral part of eternity's ever-expanding whole?

What means it, seeing yourself in life's total as important, worth to improve?

First of all, the whole structure of life 'is' Me. It is Me, all of you do represent.

Then, your growth is My nature in you. This is the secret in all plugging along.

Accepting these two facts helps to defuse lies of loneliness or hopelessness.

In a most personal way, joining Me is being on the right track, well-oriented.


"True progress has as feature finding a personal position amidst all the mayhem.

It lets you hooking up with all that's right, just and healthy, as much as possible.

In your spirit, you can nurture you are already home. You can celebrate it daily.

On the internal level, you can take charge of how to think, desire, plan or judge.

Defying emotional, genetic or other odds, My smile will always encourage you.

Many external events you can't control, yet attitude-wise, you aren't a victim!


"On earth, progression means overcoming negative situations or improving life.

It points at the possibility that large or small positive breakthroughs will occur.

It shows up in creativity, efforts to combat all kinds of ills, injustices or poverty.

Progression, as the move to the positive, includes aligning with eternal rhythm.

It's worth to try staying in touch with the part in you bringing you 'up to speed'.

As you are unique, in the direction and steps you take, will be always surprises.


"There's nothing static anywhere in the universe, because that's not in My nature.

All operates as a society of beauty, friendship, health, newness and celebrations.

It comes from treasuring My nature with happy gratitude and eager anticipation.

Any structure, configuration or activity on earth, can reflect some of the designs.

The 'model' I set inspires craftsmanship and a lively zest for skillful involvement.

So, what is feeble on earth, negative or decaying, is on its way to being replaced.


"A structure, by definition, means that at least some parts are directly conjoined.

Functioning in My world means Our relationship isn't just between you and Me.

Well, in a way it is, as I do stress that only in My presence you're well-positioned.

But this isn't just the case for you. Anybody can live with Me in warm friendship.

Seeing everything as traveling with Me is a deep insight, with great implications.

You will profit richly from striving to be one of My well-balanced, wise partners.


"Intimacy with Me on your spiritual level brings transparency to other aspects.

How you'll experience Me on your internal or external level is quite different.

Yet, it's pure progress when checking the courses you follow with Me in mind.

Are you aware of your thinking, its directions, content, purpose, and sincerity?

Can you pinpoint on a daily basis to where you actually go with your person?

You always move on in your particular environment. Are you a blessing for it?


"Visiting with Me on your spiritual level is a happening in its own, beautiful right.

While busy with other things, the sense of My closeness strengthens you inside.

Taking control of your actions can set them on a course Our intimacy provides.

This private source, full wisdom and goodness, can powerfully guide behaviors.

Your system can be one enterprise, translating truth and love on your journey.

You may not care for any heavy words, but yet be building a true life, anyway.


"Your mind is perhaps not conscious of any direct spiritual, Me-involving motion.

Your human life is so constructed that external needs and obligations come first.

You must eat, take care of, for example, children, income, health and much more.

These givens claim most of your time and energy. Life has needs and strict rules.

You can be so preoccupied with these that you will forget you're not their slave.

Many things you 'must' do, but how you approach them stays your prerogative.


"The movement of life is from within to without, regardless of what is pretended.

True healing of society's ills could only happen if there is a united, shared thrust.

That'll need all people working together to face life's challenges and potentials.

Contacts, contracts, brainstorming and execution must exude progress' flavor.

The powers of progress show in newness, lucidity and in causing celebrations.

So is the fluid structure of the real reality, of which earth is often a caricature.


"No evil like war, sickness or threats, must cloud your sense of wholeness.

The booklets are all about this; they affirm there's true, lasting progress.

You can fight for improvements in the, for many, negative circumstances.

Don't wait for feeling My closeness if you wish to be part of progression.

You grow when your intentions are honest, humble and include all that is.

Don't pay lip service to what seems right. Let your hand join your heart.


"In many ways, getting involved in a proper, positive lifestyle is as an uphill battle.

There is no perfection on earth, so cracks can show in often embarrassing ways.

Therefore, I keep reminding you of the right sequence: from inside to externals.

The blueprint for just and safe societies is available, even if earth won't build it.

Yet what can be built, is direct closeness to Me in each and everybody's person.

From that position, you can pool efforts to unmask and resist evil; and move on.


"Do you see that no structure is more important or beautiful than each of its parts?

This is the way life happens: it unfolds from the spirit, that's also in its tiniest parts.

All the components your body or mind consist of, form and 'are' each a microcosm.

They are pieces of life, of Me, progressing to more perfection, splendor and loving.

This is the way to view your body, family or any group or system you do belong to.

Human fragility doesn't mean part and total can't wholeheartedly model after Me.


"Your seventh element enables you to view your personal life as progressing.

You're a participant in paving the way to finalizing this present cycle of time.

You play your part in it, one way or another. You aren't judged. You'll choose.

You may feel lost amidst life's many complicating factors, threats and urges.

I say, you don't have to feel confused. Because I am not. You are well-placed.

With the help of My now-available words, your life can begin to make sense.


"You have a choice in how you will react to all life's pushing and pulling forces.

Using your seventh ingredient as an engine can lead to a firm positive stance.

It reminds you that nothing is permanent or set in stone. Life always changes.

Knowing why its is so, that it reflects My ever-expanding, makes life exciting.

You are never slaves of any national, racial, economic or personality dictates.

You can't erase the negative in those. Yet, you may join the march to fairness.


"My fourth name 'Proper' covers the internal workings of anything in being.

It says, you can hold up what goes on inside to My light, seeing how it looks.

Honesty with Me about what you think or feel will purify all your attitudes.

Letting others tell you what to think or believe stifles any progress. I don't .

I simply say, you, a unique life-form, are as precious as all in the full Reality.

Seeing this may fill you with unstoppable eagerness to truly rally with Me."
