

"All in life is 'on the move'. It unfolds to more liveliness and creating more love.

You play a role in it. A special one, as no one else can walk the route you travel.

If an entity likes to change form, it leads to greater well-being for all involved.

This doesn't mean forgetting or regretting who one was. Change is progress.

I speak of a universal freedom and ability to mutate. There's no getting stuck.

Of course, this is only so in a realm you and all on earth are still isolated from.


"However, some freedom to change is still within reach. A drive to improve is alive.

Your seventh component can inspire to be involved in positive and healing actions.

It is important to realize that your person is on the move, acting any time, anyway.

What the cells and atoms in your body aim at is hardly under your direct control,

while the working of your mind is riddled with inefficiencies, errors and conflicts.

Yet, you can remove debris from your spirit and go for clear, consistent advancing.


"It's a human option to be positive and to systematically oppose the evil of non-love.

The decision to approach life with healing for all in mind, likely elicits severe attacks.

Publicly standing up for goodness or justice may get people killed, perhaps literally.

In the negative state you live, loving Me can have scary, far reaching consequences.

Acknowledging this aspect of what goes on prevents a naivety about evil's volume.

Day by day traveling with Me won't stop assaults, yet, provides spiritual immunity.


"For you, healing relates to illness. All interference in happy unfolding is a sickness.

Everything in the negative state is sick, as nothing moves smoothly or un-attacked.

Trusting the normalcy of seeking or hooking up with wholeness won't come easily.

Yet, it's what I am telling you. You can't stop moving to more fullness. It's universal.

It flies in the face of what's around you. There, symptoms change, yet illness stays.

Only aligning with My nature lets the fundamental health and wholeness prosper.


"Humans are tempted to only focus on or be concerned about life as they know it.

Your whole system feels good when all needs of mind and body are taken care of.

As existing equals progression, all aspects of your individual person are included.

Full living comes with a trajectory marked by frolicking, playfulness and arriving.

This is contradicted by the human situation and by the overall condition of earth.

Yet, efforts to obstruct true life's flow forever is a losing proposition on all levels.


"It can be a conscious activity to accept joyfully the fact of everyone's moving on.

Holding grudges, not forgiving, thinking of revenge or getting even is unrealistic.

Letting go isn't just because your mind can then focus on better, happier things.

Forgiving and moving away from dwelling on hurts will make more room for Me.

You measure by moral, cultural, national and legal norms, yet My nature counts.

Investing in your being close to Me prevents a fearing a potential hostile future.


"You're all familiar with time moving on. You get older and so does everything else.

Can you imagine time doing the opposite? Leading to well-being for all earthlings?

It would create quite a new world, right? Yet, no facts will substantiate this dream.

Your time idea is chained to past or future. It rules with iron fist: no more, not yet.

In these booklets, I use your time concept. Yet, trust Me when I take you further.

Progression doesn't move from here to there; it intensifies a person's wholeness.


"Sensing all-out health and wholesomeness is most distinct when you meet with Me.

Then, you are aware of a novel blurring of boundaries: where do I stop or you begin?

There is nothing like it. Closest comes what you know as surrender to falling in love.

That'll ignite a deep glow, a sense of happy aliveness that unites peace and passion.

Moments of this kind of mindfulness give you a taste of what is universally natural.

All parts then enthusiastically bring out the best, and they all wish to share the joy.


"I do see you as in the process of being healed and restored to eternity's fullness.

You may interrupt this process in you and effectively reverse it by ignoring facts.

Don't think I will wait for the time you'll discover the truth and drop resistance.

The hour of truth is now, is always, is Me in and through you. Even when denied.

I am in all life's movements, in yours, too, in whatever direction you will choose.

Even those parts in you that head towards death or evil, carry in them My love.


"What if My idea of being your traveling mate or partner doesn't appeal to you?

Do you need to 'feel' you're in My presence, with a distinct sense of moving on?

I do not answer these questions indirectly. You don't have to do or feel anything!

It is up to you how you react to these words. I just point at My all-present Self.

I love having you face and hug Me as the One in and before Whom you do live.

Doing this makes a big difference for you. As for Me, I never left you! I am ALL.


"All people do agree that healing relates to getting better and conditions improving.

It's crucial to be very clear about the difference between your and My perspective.

You look at improvements from the position of brokenness and your imperfection.

For you, it is choosing to let things get worse, or do whatever to turn them around.

My position is that of the positive state, in which nothing is wrong or stuck or lost.

There, all brokenness of the negative state is considered proof of its impossibility.


"I am not saying that it is not a grave situation, being stuck in the negative state.

The pain or frustration from things going wrong that shouldn't are real for you.

The phenomenon of a possible Me-denying alternative-to Me state now exists,

not in an absolute sense; but for you in it, it is not a matter of theory or belief.

I proved that I care by not waving the negative state out of sight as a nuisance.

I kept My presence on their level. In that sense, too, I 'suffer' all consequences.


"It'll seem regression when the light of My glory gets dimmed on planet earth.

Yet this is not what the rest of the universe has in mind. They see My reaction.

They see I do not retaliate or in any way compromise My love or freedom Self.

I do not buy into any of the negative state's aberrations and unnaturalness.

As far as that goes, My reaction is always being lifted up in songs of gratitude.

The luster of My I AM sparkles more, now I did add being denied to My being.


"Again, this information may seem far removed from your day to day concerns.

For all practical purposes, it may make no difference to your human struggles.

In terms of being beneficial, these words may act as seeds, falling on dry sand.

For a fleeting moment, you may feel a sense of eternity, a 'being blessed' bliss.

But then, you have to go back to the order of the day that demands attention.

So, is taking in what the booklets offer a luxury, or just pointless speculation?


"The strange thing is that all people at some time, on whatever level, will wonder.

However erratic by universal norms, worries about direction or meaning linger.

Struggling to survive or improve seem an integral part of all taking part in living.

It is! It is about this that I talk here. Even atoms or subatomic particles 'struggle'.

Why? How come? Must you pay attention? It is the way it is! Must you wonder?

Well, there's more to life than what the ever-facing you next steps do demand.


"The issue of life's meaning, purpose and future is addressed by religions and cults.

Also, the scientific approach offers more or less rational solutions to life's puzzles.

Yet, these sources offer a pittance of what My presence does in terms of support.

People still flock to external sources of information, the ancient and current ones.

Well-meaning or shady leaders, all vie for people's trust, so creating dependency.

These sources further themselves, become protective, defensive and controlling.


"Yet, you can have witnessed it yourself that even in a desert, new life springs up.

It is what progression entails. Even dry sand has its use as a life-form moving on.

None of earth's externals, however mummified, corrupted or weak, is so forever.

All will be recycled and then move on. Nothing's ever dead in its inner spirit core.

This'll color practical issues, like daily struggles at home, at work or in your head.

Looking for or seeing signs of nature's ever progressing will jolt you into Reality.


"If outer 'things' move to more wholeness, what about your more flexible minds?

Most people have some sanity of mind, regardless of their character or situation.

Being willing to be honest about uptightness, fear, anger or confusion is positive.

Humans are born with defective receivers for what's true. Memories of Me lack.

Yet, progression is a part of your psyche. Your attitude and thinking may mature.

You're always free to speed up progress inside; it means: more meeting with Me.


"When in your mind you heal by coming closer to Me, you again could ask: 'So what?'

Yet, this never happens. You know you're arriving even if little around you changes.

Objections against these words come from the conditioning to see Me as optional.

The human brain's conditioning still impedes a direct and correct data distribution.

Yet, it's no excuse for violating life's true meaning and facts as you now know them.

These words do not judge you but shed light, so you see the traps of not bothering.


"You can in freedom restructure your mind and practice staying close to Me.

In terms of daily preoccupations you may reject the lies of wrong priorities.

The lies that life's goal or future are in externals or the lie that I am obsolete.

These lies continue the slavery of humans while material comfort may grow.

Scrutinizing your personal ideas of progression may be surprisingly positive.

It will restore you to honesty and a love for real life; it liberates; has you 'fly'.


"I am not trying to convince you. I only tell you what My and your nature entails.

There are no exceptions to My presence in life's movements, recognized or not.

Having to live under paralyzing clouds on earth is obscene, yet there's a reason.

The purpose, your life's purpose, serves to unmask evil's futility once and for all.

You may not know if you are coming or going, yet I do. My breath is your breath.

Your personal inalienable ingredient 'progression' is working for you right now."
