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What is philosophy?


Philo runs from philia and the meaning of this term is friendship, love. In the Greek language, there is philéo verb, meaning to feel affection of someome, treat them as friends, browse, search, pursue to find.


Sophy The word meant, at first, a kind of handicraft. Next, was also applied to the ideia of moral wisdom, wisdom, prudence. Finally, it meant a theoretical knowledge. The verb meaning sophyzo become skilled, prudent, wise.

Dr. Delamar José Volpato Dutra

Branch of knowledge

Philosophy is a branch of knowledge that can be characterized in three ways: either the content or themes addressed, either by the position he holds in culture, is by how it treats such topics. With regard to contents, contemporaneously, philosophy deals with concepts like good, beauty, justice, truth. But not always treated the Philosophy of selected issues, such as those listed above. Earlier, Greece, philosophy was for all subjects, as up to the sixth century. Century there was a separation between science and philosophy. Thus, in Greece, the philosophy embodied all know. However, the philosophy inaugurated a new way of handling issues that dedicates herself, determining a change in the way of knowledge of the world then in force. This can be verified from an analysis of the well regarded first philosophical proposition.

If we give credence to Nietzsche, the philosophical proposition was first enunciated by that Tales, namely, that water is the principle of all things [Aristotle. Metaphysics, I, 3].

It is worth asking what would the philosophical proposition Tales. Many rehearsed an answer to this question. Hegel, for example, says: "Philosophy begins with her, because through it comes to the awareness that one is the essence, the true, the only one who is in and of itself. Here one begins to distance itself from what is our sense perception. " According to Hegel, the philosophy here is against the universal, water, or one as true. Nietzsche, in turn, states:

"Greek philosophy seems to begin with a preposterous idea, with the proposition: the water is the origin and hue of all things. Is it really necessary to hold us there and take it seriously? Yes, and for three reasons: first, because this proposition states something about the origin of things, and secondly because it does so without image and fable, and finally, thirdly, because in it, although only in a state of chrysalis [sic], expressed the thought: 'Everything is a'. The first reason cited Tales still leaves a community with religious and superstitious, the second strip of the society and it shows as an investigator of nature, but because of the third, Thales becomes the first Greek philosopher. "

What is important is the rational structure of tackling the issues. Nietzsche discusses this text, not without criticism, and reschedule the tyrannical violence as that phrase is all the empirical, showing that this sentence can learn how to carry the whole philosophy, going where, apart from experience.

Philosophy is, in this perspective, the transition from myth to logos. In mythical thought, nature is possessed by psychic forces. The man to dominate nature, calls for rituals relievers. Man, therefore, is a victim of the process, seeking to dominate nature by methods that do not depend on it, as this is conceived as a bearer of will. Therefore, this passage from myth to reason is an emancipatory step, as it frees man from this magical world.

”In a system of explanations of genetic type that is biologically born men and things of gods and divine forces, as in myth, is to seek explanations in the things themselves, among which there is now a bond of causality and constants of [...] In the geometry type that myths provide vision of reality [...] natural phenomena, stars, water, sun, earth, etc.., whose designs are gods escape the men are therefore arbitrary powers and even some extent unavoidable.”

The idea of an arch, which is broadly in Greek, ranging from beginning, origin to destination port, a structure of thought that differs from the previous way of thinking, mythical. With Nietzsche, we can conclude that the logos of Western metaphysics from the beginning aimed at world domination and of itself. If you look at the structure of thought present at the birth of philosophy, we can say that their logos engendered, many years later, the scientific knowledge. Thus, the structure present in the atom is the same idea of what we have in science today, with the idea of particles. That is, the consideration that there is a minimal element in the origin of everything. The periodic table can also be seen as a sophistication of the philosophical idea of combining the four elements: air, earth, fire, water, both of which dealt with the Eleatic philosophy.

So in the beginning, the philosophy may be regarded as a kind of general knowledge, all-encompassing. One such is, today, given the developments of science, it is impossible to be hit by the philosopher.

Dr. Delamar José Volpato Dutra

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Philosophy's DecisionDecision not to accept as obvious and evident things, ideas, facts, situations, values, behaviors of our everyday existence, never accept them without first having elicited them investigated and understood.

Science that studies the meaning of life

André deliver flowers and a love letter to Carol, says that Andrew loves Carol. Quadros says he is a free man justifying this achievement thanks to the democracy of your country. Laura says that her boyfriend accuses her of being too subjective and asks her how it is more objective. They say that humans are social beings, politicians, follow rules of conduct, laws are rational, have religious values, artistic, etc.. A multitude of elements that are part of our daily lives are silently accepted as obvious.

Qualify and quantify things. But rather than accept things as given and ready, as truths or lies, madness or real, good or bad, etc.. If you asked that Andrew likes to Carol? What makes someone like someone else? What is love? What is democracy? How and why it came about? What is subjectivity and objectivity? You can be objective? What is to be rational? Why believe in values? How come the values? ... Etc.. - An infinity of questions like these away from the man's daily life and the things taken for granted for reflection, approaching it from that call to adopt a philosophical attitude.

When we ask what is philosophy, Chauí (1995) that could be answered in the decision not to take things for granted, ideas, facts, situations, values and behaviors, in short, philosophy can be defined as the not accepting the elements of human existence without having elicited before understood them investigated.

Philosophical Attitude

The philosophical attitude has two features, one negative and one positive. The negative is not to say common sense, it is pre-designed in daily life and had accepted as true because everyone says and thinks. The positive is the question about the elements of daily life and of existence: What is it? Why? How?

Together, these two features of philosophical attitude is what philosophers call a critical attitude or critical thinking. Critical attitude can be understood as taking away from our ordinary world looking at it as if we had never seen before.

What is the use of Philosophy?

Much revered among the Greeks of ancient Greece, is now common to find people saying that philosophy is useless, that the philosopher is one who is thinking and saying things that nobody understands. Such foolishness find their reasons in technicality, not aborted fetus globalizing world that is often attributed the reason of existence of things only if they have utility for the accumulation of wealth and, crucially, is the short term.

Everyone wants to see the usefulness of science in the short term. The results worshiped as good are those that can be empirical and immediate. The sciences in the globalizing world have claims to believe in the existence of truth, the correct techniques and methodologies and technology as the status of rationality.

Lose sight of that philosophy is the oldest of all sciences. All fields of knowledge have their genesis in Philosophy. The Science part of questions already asked and answered by philosophy. Such responses found not to be taken as absolute truths, but as something considered a valid representation for the phenomenon - otherwise fall to the common sense of things taken for granted.

Outside of science, philosophy can be a source of knowledge that can teach us much. An art of living well and brings answers to questions that can serve us better to live in harmony and honesty with other human beings.

Philosophical reflection

Another element of philosophy is the movement back on itself (dialectic). The thought comes up and asks himself. Wondering how can thinking. This movement to ask yourself, is recognized in philosophy as philosophical radical, which is organized into three sets of issues described by Marilena Chauí (1995) as:

    1. Why do we think we think, say what we say and do what we do? (Reasons, causes and reasons)

    2. What do we think when we think, what we mean, what do we do when we act? (Content and meaning)

    3. To think that what we think, say what we say, do what we do? (Intent and purpose)

Unlike the philosophical attitude that approaches the world around us, questioning the essence, the meaning and origin of all things, the philosophical point your thinking to humans in the act of reflection, asking about the ability and purpose to human action and know.

Philosophy is different from "philosophies"

Returning to the art of living well attributed to philosophy, we can say that there are various "philosophies": philosophy Hindu, Buddhist, religious, Chinese, etc.. These philosophies also ask what, how and why. Besides having a reflection, although it is not radical. - So what distance from the philosophy of "philosophies"?

Other philosophies are backed by an entity - or entities - the man who guides and gives meaning and genesis of things. Taking for example Christianity, we find that they are also seeking an understanding of the universe, however, comes through faith and trust in a divine wisdom unquestioned; unlike the philosophy that is systematic and seeks answers through rational effort. Seeking a logical chain of reasoning with demand and fundalmentalmente, the movement to challenge their ideas.

Therefore, we reserve the term philosophy to its own method of thinking in rationalism ruled, Confucianism, the Yin and Yang, the mantra, auras pyramidal among others, are erroneously called "philosophies", leaving them the word "wisdom."


I believe that the brief exposure is not enough to assign value to philosophy in a historical moment where it is synonymous with futility. But what is useful? - If we take common sense post-modernism, we find that the useful is what brings wealth and prestige.

Philosophy is not a science, not history, not politics, not art, and not psychology or sociology, is a critical reflection of the sciences, the events in space and time, the origins and nature of the forms of power, of artistic meanings, concepts and methodologies of psychology, sociology and all the sciences. Philosophy is the knowledge of knowledge, situated in various historical moments of humanity.

Among the many different philosophical meanings and interpretations, the span of Philosophy will you know if you think it is helpful to abandon the prejudices and beliefs impregnated on common sense and the ideological forms that define the elements of life and the world in favor of some than to others.

For Nietzsche it is a liberating way of being, overcoming the dungeons of the values hitherto built. For Schopenhauer, is a way to overcome pain and suffering of existence. For Marx philosophy should change the world and bring justice and happiness for human beings, to the detriment of philosophy that seeks only to see the world. And the cradle philosophy, we find that Plato defined philosophy as a true knowledge to be used to benefit humans.

Among the many different philosophical meanings and interpretations, the span of Philosophy will you know if you think it is helpful to abandon the prejudices and beliefs impregnated on common sense and the ideological forms that define the elements of life and the world in favor of some than to others.

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Bibliographical references:

CHAUÍ, Marilena. Convite à filosofia. 5ª ed. São Paulo: Ática, 1996.

SCHOPENHAUER, Arthur. O Mundo como Vontade e Representação. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Contraponto, 2001.