

"These following last two segments about oneness relate to the outside of life.

I'm sure you don't mind since it deals with the more visible externals of things.

Here it comes: all that does exist expresses, in its own way, something of Me.

You do, your varied parts do, the macrocosm of which you're a small part does.

Let Me continue: what you cannot see, other dimensions, thoughts, etc., do it.

What is in the universe, and the universe itself, do all manifest Me somehow.


"How everything expresses Me I deal with later. Now I focus on the oneness.

The totality of life – and do include what's beyond grasping! – manifests Me.

I'm present in what is. I am life's IS. All existing is related to Me in every way,

not just related; nothing is, unless it's from My source showing My features.

This is your only blueprint for grasping what all that is occurring is all about.

Nothing has not to do with Me. Apply this to yourself; then you'll 'know' life.


"Everything manifests Me. So do use for My sixth face this word 'Manifestation'.

All is colored by its belonging to the one reality of which I am the creative spirit.

Don't take 'spirit' as being vague or iffy. It glows in all its' outside' appearances.

Everything, be it matter or thought, has an outside that's built around its spirit.

It is quite a preposterous statement in view of the state your planet earth is in.

Doesn't earth portray the opposite of Who I am: Love, Truth, Proper, Healing?


"In all of life's oneness , your world is positioned at the most extreme 'outside'.

Meaning, it's furthest removed from Me as one center and tree or river of life.

All presences have an external side; together they make Me gloriously visible.

In this totality, 'displacement' applies to earth. It is an isolated pseudo-world.

It is fabricated from fragments of the Real Reality and marked by brokenness.

All other worlds are still shielded against being affected by the earth's decay.


"While you're still on earth you can do the best you can with what you are there.

Never will I put you down for not being able to rise above earth's unnaturalness.

In every way human achievements are flawed; so perfection is not reachable.

Yet one positive aspect of earth is that it provides lessons for all how not to act.

What's manifested in negative ways still uses ingredients of My eternal nature.

Even evil, trying to prove there is an alternative for Me, is a part of the oneness.


"If you plant yourself firmly in the one reality I speak of, you never will get wrong.

Oneness is for all life its first ingredient; of your existence, too. It will not change.

What comes out of your mind, your hands and your mouth, is invariably tainted.

Everything produced on earth is somehow distorted since it's made in isolation.

However, I say it not to complain about ills but to confirm humans' true position.

What in you is listening to Me is not flawed or weak as it's the most normal you!


"Don't be afraid to face an issue that bothers, scares, disturbs or overwhelms you.

Enjoy what's good, even if nothing on earth can show the glory of its full potential.

It is one reason I call your earth a pseudo-creation. It looks real, yet it is abnormal.

However, your place is in its midst. Look in that context for what may portray Me.

When in your heart of hearts you'll open up to My light, it penetrates you all over.

Also, in other realms, unbeknownst to you, this reconnecting will be applauded.


"Manifesting My nature openly may seem an uphill climb. What if progress lacks?

Few people you know may spontaneously support you when seeing your change.

It's discouraging when you find yourself repeating mistakes, like with addictions.

Sorting out deep- seated indoctrination by family, culture or religion is hard work.

Truly manifesting Me starts deep within you, with you desiring this in all honesty.

When, while not grasping Me, you exist by love and by wisdom, you do know Me!


"Human standards are useless to rate 'success'. Only closeness to Me figures.

How far you succeed in representing the positive state is of little importance.

You share the oneness anyway and can rejoin its ranks, if not now, then later.

Listening to Me does lead to connecting with your specific and full potential.

As your saying goes, 'the outcome is not of essence, but an honest effort is'.

When My glorious nature works in you, you can rightly call that a 'blessing'.


"The glory of all being one is, that nothing, in the past or the present, is excepted.

Oh yes, you can hide behind others, make excuses, take no stand, show no colors.

People can reject every word I say, can scoff at oneness or even refuse to wonder.

But oneness' element is there to stay; it will not disappear by ignorance or denial.

The earth's doing is a test case to explore whether a world without Me is feasible.

I decided to never prevent or end that pursuit but have it discover its own futility.


"Your human struggles don't occur in a void. They're part of freedom being tested.

Whatever you do, you are part of the solid unity formed by all universes together.

The setup of earth promotes a turning to externals as provider of joy and purpose.

What shows in all other dimensions comes with the radiance of spiritual richness.

Any ignoring or forgetting life's common goal only leads to poverty or emptiness.

Those who fabricated earth as you know it, may gradually come to this conclusion.


"Many of you don't pay much attention to your bodies unless parts start to hurt.

Pain reminds you if something's wrong. This 'wrong' may long have been hidden.

If in bodies, nature or relations parts do not function in harmony, it starts illness.

You are so used to what upsets and to sickness, you only react when it hits hard.

I tell you, the unity of all, both in its diversity and uniqueness, only produces joy.

You can manifest it. It is in your nature. If that hurts, it shows how 'sick' you are.


"The oneness of all as ingredient of all nature covers every level of your person, too.

It is tempting to think that manifesting Me only pertains to moral or social behavior.

Not so. Every cell in your body, in its own way, participates in showing magnificence.

The same goes for your environment, for objects, for nature and for unseen worlds.

There is just nothing that by itself, or as a fraction, does not show the glory of being.

This universal situation is on earth and in your personal life now hardly discernible.


"The oneness of all could be described as one show of lively, growing completeness.

This is so, regardless of how faintly My nature of love and truth may come through.

Your desire to represent My nature in the midst of brokenness is beautiful in itself.

What you produce visibly as positive just can't measure up to universal standards.

Yet, My all-out love can penetrate you and whoever honestly desires My 'embrace'.

Then, from Our togetherness in love, you'll grow as an amazing addition to fullness.


"Like in a circle, any point on its circumference qualifies as a 'begin' or an 'end'.

You can, at any moment, become aware of Me. Life's fullness is within reach.

There's no particular point for starting to manifest Me. Neither does a time.

You can't distinguish precisely where or how I manifest Myself through you.

My spirit is Omnipresent. From circles center materializes a circumference.

My presence in you is love and truth. You're free to portray or to corrupt it.


"As many people as there are, so many opinions and ideas about Me abound.

Few individuals do approach the meaning of life from their authentic center.

Many just repeat what others do say or teach, avoiding getting into trouble.

Perhaps you don't really care one way or another about knowing if I am real.

Yet, denying life is more than just you, stretches even any human credibility.

I just say I share My life with you. What you do with your part is up to you.


"Whatever you express on earth – including your opinions – is impure, flawed.

Do not aim at perfection but at honesty, being genuine, authentic, caring, wise.

Having the all-oneness in mind holds your built-in self-centeredness in check.

Working on overcoming divisions can boost joy in representing Me as Healer.

You have the whole universe behind you when you keep honoring My nature.

Mountains or molehills are in the same position. All that is exists to mirror Me.


"Some may consider belonging to life's oneness as living within a block of ice.

Even if allowed some space to move, they ultimately see their fate as 'frozen'.

I do not argue with what you or others think about destiny. It will just be lies.

You deep-freeze yourself by removing My closeness, as your ancestors did.

Anything disconnected from its source will become confusingly complicated.

Your nature's first element means you can participate in a happy, lively unity.


"Why should you believe all this? Is there validation for these words' pretension?

I said that everything on earth is subject to how a person decides to approach it.

I'll keep reminding you throughout these booklets that only one 'proof' counts.

This proof overlaps My one request for the ones who read the words, wherever.

I ask you to ponder all this in your innermost self, where you do sense and intuit.

There, remnants of eternal life are still present. There, 'it' knows if all this is true.


"You are never lost in life's wideness. On the contrary, it is your own personal home.

You are not all-present like I am. Yet you share with all beings that you are included.

Being a part of the oneness of being means, you have access to whatever you wish.

If you would desire so, you, too, can experience other levels of living. And why not?

In the all-oneness, you're already connected, since nothing is hidden or forbidden.

With love and wisdom you all are at home and welcome everywhere in My Reality.


"Manifesting Me isn't a requirement. Yet it shows your natural colors as a person.

As a unique part of the whole, it can only be done by you. You add to My splendor.

When this happens, it's My nature coming through. Then, it's proven We are one!

Like lovers wish to give form and shape to their new unity, so We can. I enjoy that.

You can respond in kind. By the glow of how We relate, you'll absorb the all-ness.

Together with all, you are a glorious manifestation of Who I am. If you want that."
