

"In myths, tales, worldviews or religions figure ideas as heaven or paradise.

It isn't just a wishful hope, fantasy or concocted antidote to human misery.

Despite lacking hard data about this, there is a firm reason for wondering.

Your own system harbors remnants of a Reality in its harmonious fullness.

So if you are stumbling upon something really good, a warning rings inside.

It reminds you on the deepest level, all life may be good, safe and beautiful.


"When earth and its inhabitants were pseudo-created, existing material was used.

It was tampered and experimented with; in a negative way, it qualifies as unique.

The vestiges of My nature are there. They stay in you as in all else broken or not.

Therefore, I say that 'all' life manifests Me. Disharmony shows what I never was.

Your planet's display of what perverting My nature leads to lasts one time cycle.

As humans' linear time ideas are a distortion, the best course is to think as I do.


"Trusting Me is trusting what's in your innermost longing for all to be in place.

It'll guide you when facing responsibility for relations, community or yourself.

What you do with your free time, if you have it, can honor your soul's longing.

You know well human life is rife with injustice and confusing, ugly situations.

You live in the midst of it but you can choose to 'enact' your twelfth element.

Seeing lasting harmony isn't possible on earth. Inspired or nourished by it is.


"Harmony has everything to do with all-out caring, all-goodness, beauty or fairness.

Multiple obstacles to full harmony are raised by all sorts cultural or morality laws.

Still, all in life can aim at the beauty and the joy of positive sharing and interacting.

In a clockwork all wheels run smoothly and produce the willed effect to a second.

But that's not harmony. I speak of mirroring Me by way of doing it by free choice.

Revealing Myself to you is a gift. I'm not obliged to do it. That would imply slavery.


"In the process of manifesting true reality, you always run into massive resistance.

It's tempting to stick to what the majority likes and neglect your personal insight.

I do not pressure you to turn into a rebel or an activist for the truth in your heart.

Human extremes - it is either this or that - defy life's on variety thriving oneness.

It is all up to you: shaping your days by modeling harmony inside and out, or not.

You write your story. However, what's not manifesting Me is written with water.


"Working on being earnest in promoting peace and goodness has its own rewards.

No praise may come to you; forces that ridicule, oppose or undermine will abound.

But you will feel in your heart the glow of having done right, the very best you can.

In your spirit, aligning with Me may feel as if you are physically hugged. You are!

Or, when you don't feel anything special, trust that you're embraced by My world.

Treasure this ingredient, even if emotions, people or body fail you. You're so safe!


"You notice that I again strongly stress individual options for in freedom choosing.

It's the way it is; there's no place nor group, no volume or anything to hide behind.

You're on stage as lead character in a one-of-a-kind play and you co-write the plot.

That the same is true for each particle or entity underlines the significance of this.

Harmony has the different roles blending into a most brilliant, life-performance.

Life performs love; it shows My fullness. It's only harmonious. And you figure in it.


"Often, artists, dreamers or children can have an astute sense that worlds blend.

Your science fiction plays with connecting with and accessibility of other realms.

It seems natural for human beings to wonder about other life-forms elsewhere.

It's not satisfying to have no clue how, where or in what wider context you live.

Well, all of My emanations receive and illustrate the similar set of components.

What exists in the universe's most external outside, is still, as all, relative to Me.


"Much on earth can disintegrate right in front of your eyes. Nothing seems forever.

Nature can destroy. People do so in wars. In minds, falsity can reign. Bodies decay.

It happens to you sooner or later. Earth as such has no future nor do its products.

Yet, what I tell you is of an exuberant nature; it has flashes of normality flare up.

When in My presence, you get a sense of the awesome depth of My nature in all.

It can trigger the desire to sign up for fully being part of the universe performing.


"The message I offer in this chapter is a radical one. It tops off the others I gave.

When seeking harmony amidst whatever confusion, you are hitting on true life.

Unseen presences of dimensions or life-forms are closer than you can imagine.

Don't wait for others to agree. It short-changes your specific personal mission.

You are a manifestation of eternal life. You can represent harmony amid chaos.

There is no different aim for you than for Me; it is to let love erupt everywhere.


"The message of these words, applying to everyone, explains what's on My mind.

The time has arrived that I am not holding back any information. I've no secrets.

What the words reveal of Me can, for many reasons, be unacceptable for many.

Yet, let it sink in that I, the All Who Is, or if you like, your God, do bare My soul.

Whatever you believed or believe now, what I tell in the booklets supersedes it.

The moment you open your spiritual eyes or ears, Our interaction begins in full.


"Throughout human history many people sought, found Me, listened and heard.

Some spoke of this in such ways that many still draw insight and comfort from it.

These booklets aren't meant to function this way. They stress My staying in you.

They inform you that My personal presence stays in you while you are isolated.

Rejecting this completely or in part isn't turning you into bad or inferior people.

It may hamper ways you'll reflect Me but that, I can handle. Your choice is free.


"Choosing to enter your spirit's realm within can cause fundamental crises.

Meeting with Me is incompatible with dishonesty and any hidden agendas.

It will challenge layers of conditioning and of commonly accepted falsities.

Even if you desire to change your mind or behavior, it does not just happen.

Your're a target of pressures, doubts and a whole battery of negative forces.

Yet, knowing I am with you brings healing and strength and that will show.


"The appearance of My words in your life contains many surprising aspects.

One is it acknowledges humanity's critical role by using a human language.

Also, fully knowing Me isn't reserved any more for after transition by death.

Earth's occurrence turned crucial in life's bigger scheme. It's not just there.

That the negative state emerged is the ultimate consequence of My love.

The human race got painstakingly prepared; truly, all existing was at stake.


What humanity shows illustrates the shocking impact of their negative pursuit,

which was to see if love is really from free choice and how far can freedom go.

This in-itself positive pursuit led to their deliberate detachment from Reality.

It's impossible for you on earth to not show marks of this total unnatural event.

These booklets can't alter the way you are manufactured as humans on earth.

Yet they prove that My nature can't be eliminated, even if this seems to happen.


"All this implies that in these words My intentions are expressed - on your level.

For practical reasons English is used as it's earth's most international language.

In no way it indicates a preference for nations or people that use the language.

These words can be translated but only by a person deeply aware of My I AM.

Explaining to others My closeness is impossible, though it ls available to all.

Closeness to Me will show, not by using words but by the glowing from within.


"As with love and My other ingredients, I do not formulate what harmony is.

Each of you interprets it with your own limited, preconceived ideas anyway.

But the word and what it stands for isn't casually used. nor is its placement.

My twelfth element completes the fullness of what being in life is all about.

It represents all life's external level that many take 'as is' or with a 'so what'.

Harmony touches and embraces life's first element 'oneness'. All is in place.


"There is not one discrepancy in being oneself and being also part of the total.

With all individual parts, harmony presents a picture that looks strikingly Me.

I'm One, the I AM. And at the same time I unfold through all to more splendor.

You can shake your head in disbelief when relating this to the earthly 'reality'.

I may seem to speak from another planet to defend a preposterous delusion.

But again I ask, 'Am I?' Please, check yourself for your most personal longing.


"You cannot step out of being you, with your body, your mind and radiation.

You express something whether others read that the way you want or not.

You may not care one way or another, yet I say Real Reality is within reach.

My words vibrate in you on the level of Life Itself; Life originates not in you.

You can adjust your mind or behavior to My universally personal attention.

When the negative state stops to exist, you'll be glad you invested not in it.


"Harmony consists of all life's twelve component occurring simultaneously.

Yet it exists in its own right and is showing the inherent richness of all that is.

You could almost say it is the mystique of existing but that sounds abstract.

True is, from whatever angle life is observed harmony's majesty will dazzle.

Countless positions, countless participants or moves, yet one elegant dance.

This twelfth ingredient can orchestrate the dance in you; never mind limits.


"I do not and will not complain about your earthly imperfections and worse.

I offer you to follow up on the glimpse of reality you are now capable to see.

Don't compare how you manifest life with how others do. Check your spirit.

When or where I express Myself, take it personally: also you are addressed.

The personal responses from all in life do harmonize love's universal output.

To this, you'll contribute when you accept how special and beloved you are."
