

"What of the waves of false information or hostility coming your way instead of love?

Being honest and caring as a respectful person is no guarantee you're approached so.

Then how do you react? As one aware that only in love and wisdom is proper power?

Or you separate the mundane, practical world from moments of intimacy with Me?

The right answer is clear, of course. My energy 'is' life. I am 'the' One expressing life.

Denying this, with all its ensuing negative conclusions, poses a profound challenge.


"How do you respond when confronted with lies of others or of your own mind?

No energy that keeps life on earth going is pure and isn't all over contaminated.

It's your mission's purpose to be in the midst of this. Yet you can't correct much.

You're put to the test if you accept to take your and My sixth element personal.

It says you do connect already. That is a universal given. But is it only with love?

It's up to you how bravely you take charge of connecting or being connected by.


"The negative state isolates from its source any pocket of truth and love left.

It insinuates that wisdom or goodness are lofty goals without spiritual value.

Historically and globally, many factors have been touted as solutions for ills.

Many make sense; so it is easy to be swayed, believe in, use or defend them.

Do realize that I don't have to be defended. Don't waste any energy on that.

If being asked where health comes from, bring up their and My ingredients.


"My questions and answers I give aren't meant as guidelines. They make a point.

The point being that nobody doesn't operate by My energy. It's life's core secret.

Once you'll see all within My field of energy, the all-over relating becomes clear.

You see then that somehow, in all your contacts, the flow of love waits to move.

This releases you from aggression or the engaging in the games of win or lose.

My spirit joining your spirit is the key for all your connecting. It'll set the tone.


"You can feel inspired by people you respect or admire. Be very careful, though.

The word, the messenger, the message you are, lose power if you borrow them.

Daily checking your sixth element and 'being' it increases your mental power.

If you are honest and happy about Our closeness, you do arrive, despite what.

Any situation full of problems can cut you down or off, yet, your sender emits.

The issue isn't how far or whom you reach, but that you represent My sphere.


"You're connected with Me, the All Who Is. What more do you hope for? I love you.

Confusion, feeling lost or evil can bombard your mind. It'll pull in many directions.

I don't push or pull you. You're free to use these words from Me any way you like.

My reaching out to you in love will meet blockages on your paths at every phase.

Resistance in you increases the more you align with My spirit's way of touching.

Opposition to trusting My realness runs deep. All of humanity is so conditioned.


"Within yourself, your spiritual part is no stranger to what your body and mind do.

Being with Me in your innermost sanctuary means not, leaving the rest of you out.

Yet do realize, corruption in your mind or body is so, that they're not to be trusted.

When these words reach you on those levels, can your hearing them be trusted?

This question only your own spirit part, with the intuition in your heart, can answer.

It's wise to not reject My words - or laud them - before truly and fully tasting them.


"Human thinking can't fully grasp that being linked to Life's system is everywhere.

Yet, letting it sink in and momentarily overwhelm you, helps to take this seriously.

It'll require taking a position. It can give you a sense of love's totality and fullness.

A flood of dense energy can give you a distinct knowing that you are 'plugged in'.

You can't avoid bad karma, or demons playing tricks or clever games to confuse.

Yet, you can act from the premise your connecting only wishes to enhance love.


"Is it clear that it's abuse of energy when power doesn't lead to more joy for all?

While overall corruption can't be stopped, do avail yourself to connect as I do.

When your thoughts harbor violence, hatred or ignore love, you can correct it.

Make it a point to avoid anything that isn't based on bringing well-being to all.

Your contact with Me remains standard. All connecting can be derived from it.

I don't judge your behavior. I offer all the ever-present energy of My closeness.


"All is connected is a most powerful affirmation of your own importance in life.

It says you're a special word in life's book, a touch and factor, shaping eternity.

In spite of wondering about your reach or impact, your earthly mission is vital.

Don't look to the outside for any validation. Be a free blowing wind in My sky.

Treasure that you can already on earth add to more sparkling of My splendor.

You then connect with any universal system, involved with Me in 'being' love.


"Lovemaking goes on everywhere, all the time. It's hard for people to believe this.

You are conscious of moments of bliss, when all feels right or is well taken care of.

Is it realistic to imagine situations in which anything always flows harmoniously?

It seems beyond you that all connecting enriches everywhere, with no tensions.

Yet, so is My world and the core of your sixth element; so operates the universe.

Your spirit, psyche and doings may strive for it, and so reclaim your eternal self.


"On the levels of your mind and spirit, some inkling of full and lasting joy endures.

As for your physical pleasures, when things move smoothly, time always runs out.

Happy contacts contain the threat of ending, misunderstanding and unevenness.

You perhaps must twist your mind to find ever-pleasant sides in this component.

Yet, the calmer you accept yourself as ever-connecting entity, the wiser you get.

You will thrive on the unseen and the aware connections; both keep you going.


"When your body dies, your mind and soul do clearly disconnect from it, yes?

As an individual sentient entity, you move on while your body disintegrates.

Yet, be careful here. To its full potential and uniqueness, your body remains.

It stops connecting with you with its external content. That becomes 'dust'.

Your body's externals will be available for other uses. But they're not 'gone'.

Your 'outside' is not just matter. Its spirit part stays with you; recognizable.


"You see death as a decomposing factor, turning all into uses of a lower order.

Yet, Me being the power in all-connecting is anything of it not love-related?

You see the challenge? Some go by that at least dead bodies fertilize the soil.

Others write off dead bodies or take death literally, as permanent cessation.

I say that, indeed, the externals of bodies will be reshaped for different use.

But the spirit of your present body part is as such eternal. It'll stay with you.


"I stress this hard-for-you-to-fathom fact, since avoiding it will lead you to lies.

Any effort of the negative state centers around dealing with only the 'outside'.

They love to see you preoccupied with the needs or joys of outer connections.

It gives illusions of success, power or meaning when your anchor is in 'things'.

I'll state, the greatest force in your life is My love hugging you. Over and over.

Your body's connecting ability can be wonderfully inspired by this. As power!


"When you wake up, the newness of the day ahead may not seem too relevant.

Aren't your body and mind active all along, keeping contacts routinely going?

You wake up to situations at home, at work or in general that keep you busy.

This never changes. You'll always touch or be touched on life's three levels.

After dying, around your spirit, in line with your choices, a new 'you' forms.

Then, the beauty of connecting within and without loses all negative limits.


"The world and universe you exist in, is in every respect a world of touching.

No vacuum exists. You, too, are defined by your performance as connector.

Physical health, mental functions and a spirit life thrive on communication.

It's crucial to see that any activity of connecting is My love-energy at work.

If not for Me, if not for love, your being would pose an un-resolvable riddle.

But it doesn't. So know that all you do is served by, and will serve, My love.


"In other dimensions, relating, touching and communicating is unlike earthly ones.

No need to explain this in technical terms, as the mechanics are not the real issue.

Although they may intrigue you, as you mainly rely on external means for contact.

But the lifeblood of communication comes first of all from My love's all-presence.

That 'makes' living. For this, techniques, tools and mechanics develop, 'as needed'.

A tiny bit of it you know from body language, intuitive reactions, E. S. P. , etcetera.


"The development of electronic ways of communication can also provide a clue.

But it mainly is a wrong one. Those tools add to dependency on external means.

The equipment needed, and the connecting itself, are useless for inner wisdom.

In the real world rules no dependency. Energy flows as My pulsating heartbeat.

Spiritual, mental and also technical means, do share the same love-frequencies.

In other words, what is external isn't, as such, of a lesser quality or importance.


"Human history shows that anything can be abused; even love, or music, or colors.

Innovations or discoveries welcomed here, destroy elsewhere. It will not change.

What you build from My energy coming through, needs to be constantly updated.

What on earth regulates or controls the way interacting takes place, is a bandage.

Culture, religion, law of the land, morals or whatever, just can't restore normalcy.

Yet, in all personal contacts you are able to adjust somewhat to life's true nature.


"It is a happy world that streams from My desire to share Myself and to be loved.

The negative forces know this, but it's banned from their minds as far as possible.

Therefore, when they corner you, tell them of My light, love and truth you know.

This can 'kill' you, as all the forces of ego, greed or power can't stand My sphere.

Parts in you can be afraid to be energized by just love's force; as it is too radical.

Yet happy are those feeling in all their output and input, the tingling of My 'kiss'."
